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Hiya my names Caitlin im 18 stay in Glasgow but from fife all my family are from their, so though I would give this a bash and see what happens feel free to message m.
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She saw you watching elcaminokevin :).
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Nope, I am single at this moment, why?
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How can she make it up to him ? His birthday is in another year not to mention she called him another mans name, that she probably fancies. he should dump her.
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However, you have basically talked yourself out of standing up for yourself and allowed her behaviors to be the can that gets kicked down the road. You continually make excuses for her when you are dispensed solid advice.
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Chest of perfection! Nice smile and nice bod.
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I apologise that my below comment made no sense, that's the effect she has on me.
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For starters I've been "locked away" for the past 12 years..lol. I like to try new things, I'm up for almost anything..I'm a pretty laid back type of person, who likes quiet nights at home..movie.
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If there is some reason you shouldn't be together, then perhaps it wasn't as good as you think. Sounds complicated.
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So basically, if she talking sex & then shuts me down I stop contacting her.
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I think we can do that!
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A saying that I go by until it proves to be wrong is.
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Pics that have been favorited at least 1500 times. Now the real question is, what is the "refer scale?".
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Must be Wednesday then.
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hey tummyfan, sorry about yesterday, only have a minute or 2 tonight!
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sexy. very romanesqe or something.
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She knows her stuff… Not in a hurry and very pleasurable. Will definitely be connecting with her next time.
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burghman: That word, and others like it, are not allowed here. Previous notice; .
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OP, in the interests of full transparency I think you need to get him to this thread. Give him a chance to know what he's signing up for.
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This is a phrase often times spoken by people co-habitating without any plans of marriage.
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Work full time I have a daughter like video games I drive I don't drink or smoke I'm honest caring loving looking for a relationship and more I like the color blue I collect dragon figurines watching.
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I am fairly active in playing sports but not great at many of the.
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Then one day I decided to ask him some questions about his ex relationships, just to know more about his past, but he seemed nervous/defensive and wanted to change subject so we did. He then all of a sudden told me he wasn't looking for a relationship atm, because his life wasn't in check (doesn't have a job anymore, looking for one, lives with his mom, etc), doesn't feel like having a girlfriend atm, blah, blah... Which disappointed me cause he had been flirting a lot with me during the summer and telling me he wanted me to "be his girl" "make me his" and stuff like that... Btw, he's also the type of guy that says "my friends before girls" He adores his friends and are the world to him, more than any relationship/girl. His friends all have partners though, he's the only single one. I felt kinda fooled.
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Time to grovel. . . .