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Frenchtips olive tank shmoobies.
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and the fact that she's saying she won't do it unless I approve it and say it's okay, and said if I say no, then it's off the table.
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Do you really believe that a guy is supposed to view you and ONLY you as the ONLY sexually appealing female on the planet? If so, your expectations are way out of whack (excuse the pun). Men are always going to look. It doesn't make them any less human, and it doesn't take anything away from YOUR sexiness at all. It just means they're men. And they're still alive and breathing.
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That lasted for about a day. Although we had that talk to just be friends and see how things went, we still act like a non-official couple. We don't see other people. We spend our free time together and make time for each other. The things we talk about and how we talk about. She'll send me little messages throughout the day about how she misses me and little cute updates. I do the same.
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Anything you want to know just ask. I will answer what you want to kno.
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Ironic, isn't it? I am an independent person myself. It tears me up inside to no end.
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no offense to other recent homepage girls, but this is the best homepage in a while.
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Cheaters lie, most are necessarily very good at it.
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There's a lot of interracial dating and marriage in my area. Most people assume I am only white, but I am the product of an interracial marriage myself, and so are about 1/4 of the people I know, including a couple of my close friends and some of my nieces/nephews. It's a melting pot, right?
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Am alone. Not perfect at all. But I AM extremely upfront and honest. And I am very sweet, and love helping people. Just looking for a savey, sweet, and opinionated lady to have fun with, and start a.
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emo? face and eyes are dull but love how she shows her pale skin.
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That's him basically saying, "Well, you COULD be good enough for me, but I have to see if this girl is better for me, so hold on while I figure it out.".