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I'm looking to meet people from perfurably lake county ohio I like to read listen to music watch movies talk to friends and family anything else just as.
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Hi. I love sports or live events college or pro's events. I can have fun In for the night or out and about. I'm really really not sure if I ever want to get married again. But would like to meet.
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I apologize for feeling the need to protect myself, but it was spawned by fear of abandonment, and inability to communicate with you. Yet somehow you can’t see how this applies to my behavior or provide forgiveness for things I’ve done.
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Of course he doesn't speak for all men. He just speaks for the irrational and insecure type of man.
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I'll make this as short as possible.
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black eye liner on bottom of the eye? very pretty though!
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i agree number 2 for me also.
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Wondering your opinions on this. the guy Im seeing he has mention several times about him being a nice guy. i've had other guys in the past say this too. i think if a person is really nice they don't have to go tell people. is this some attempt for you to pity them? what do you think.
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I've been dating for a while now, and I find there to be a lot of women who classify themselves as "hopeless romantics".
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I got it together with a friend who had always liked me. He was always a great guy on paper and I always loved him deeply as a friend but I had had zero attraction to him. Fast forward and I decided I had nothing to lose by trying it out as I have been at the stage of wanting marriage and babies for some time now. I was apprehensive at first but the happy ending is it actually worked out great. I now love him and can totally see myself spending the rest of my life with him.
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After my first breakup every since i have felt headache and not daring to approach new girls at my fullest, is this normal?
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Really nice collarbones, and the hoop ear-ring is cool, too.
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You have to realize I should be trying to sell dating a separated man, since I am one, so, if I'm having reservations, they come from a place of experience and caution; I've also listened to the sage advice of the ladies here on LS as to how they, as women, perceive a separated and/or newly divorced man. They really make a lot of sense.
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actually minus that by 10 after looking at her arms.
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You're angry and annoyed. You're taking it personal.
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Maybe so? Still, out of line. Hopefully, when we talk on phone later, we clarify certain things.
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I'd have to agree... they're all gorgeous, but 2 is the best!
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But the "why" is most important in any of this.
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Ultimately we developed the commitment and the attachment, with the understanding that sex would follow, and then we added the sex. I admit that I saw sex as a significant element of the relationship I wanted to have but it wasn't the main reason, and I was willing to postpone sex for the sake of the relationship. I haven't come out and asked, but I suspect there ARE single guys even today with a similar attitude. Knowing the expectations and "rules" helped me do that. So in that sense we "turned it down" before we started "messing around".
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Originally Posted by stoneymirror.
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hotel green blue bikini cockeye peace sign necklace.
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112-0 flawless victory!
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When I gave this guy I liked my number. He warned/reminded me that he can be quite busy with his son.