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green white green green green white green.
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I guess i'm sitting here realizing that what happened with the last boyfriend really shook me. I loved him so much that I doubted myself. What scared me was that I stayed with him for a while after it all happend. But eventually, I had to leave. There was no trust. As a result, I'm a little gun shy now with my new guy...Maybe scared is a better word. I want to have some clear boundaries in place.
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Wow....I feel like I'm witnessing a historical moment into the depths of human emotions by reading this.
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Massage was very relaxing, she’s sensually kinky and accommodated my ‘special requests’ with ease and she knows what to do and what i meant/wanted so it was easy to connect and made my fetishes and fantasies come true.
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i have a feeling that 2007 is gonna rawk.
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The first time it didn't work, and the second time it didn't work. Don't bother with her anymore. Plus she's ping-ponging with this other guy. She is YOU in this situation with this other guy who keeps bouncing back and she keeps getting sucked in. She will prioritize him as long as he'll have her or until she realizes he's messing with her. I suspect you'll do the same...hopefully you'll wise up. If you were "it," she wouldn't have entertain this other guy, let alone any guy who takes interest.
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My girlfriend has those exact undies.
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I feel guilty for saying this .. but it doesn't get much hotter than this.
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Hit me up. Dont be sh.
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*I am 6ft tall, 190 lbs and blue eyes. I try to take care of my body by.
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There is no set accepted amount of time for anything, it's about ones own expectations. we all have them, and not everyone have the same ones....that's why we date, to find the one that meets our requirements.