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Hello well for one I am a real male and looking for anything from a FWB to a casual or serious relationship and I love any woman no matter the age I just prefer older wome.
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red and gray striped dress goh sitting on vanity reflection glare pwe barefoot tissues foot on wall whitewall open mouth outlet.
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Well you stopped greeting him at work...and you changed departments.
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I call it a team work !!!!!
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Things that *S* says that imply exclusivity and/or a relationship is what they want:.
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Let us know how it turns out. I'm always rooting for the underdog (shy guy)!! Good stories like this give us all hope.
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gr8 find fkye adorable.
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Uh... yeah... That's why nearly all the posters you think you're arguing against have advocated compromise about this friendship, not "abandoning" it entirely.
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absolutely perfect jb..breathless..straight to favs..love it..great upload lott.
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I am looking to meet someone who is honest and likes to love and care to spend some time and have fun together and see how it goes :) I am seeking friendship first that evolves into something deeper.
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Passionate, Honest, High I.
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So not that long ago you and Matt start experimenting with sex. After a whiile the two of you agree that the friendship is more important than trying to make it more at the time.
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boz95: Uploading poor quality pics isn't contributing. It's hindering. If you can't find better quality than what you have been uploading, just don't upload.
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And finally, if you could in fact, be more positive like saying: "If you feel your boyfriend's watching porn is too much, it's ok to be single till you find greener pastures, etc" then maybe people would take less issue with your posts. But you usually just say something very close to: OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PUT UP WITH THAT, HOW CAN YOU EVER BE HAPPY? Which is pretty much, just a way to put someone down.
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It's wrong for anyone to hit anyone IMO, what gender they are doesn't come into it, if someone hits first then the attacked person has the right to hit them back. I'm not saying woman batterers are cool, just that the idea that men can never hit women is wrong.
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Since she doesn't seem to occupy a large place in his life, you are fine. He is with you and all indications are that you have a more close relationship than she ever did. It sounds like you want validation that you are more special.
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I have to vote for tiny in the middle! There's something about a short, tiny girl!
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miley cyrus look alike?? haha.
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Yes before me he had only had a few girlfriends where it only lasted a few weeks. He freaks out and breaks up, I have been his longest girlfriend. I really really like him though and now that I understand the problem and that he isn't being one of the douche bags at all like are around this town I am making a lot of effort.
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Go forward in life, not backwards.
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Since I joined here all I had was some people asking to send money.I'm.