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| +1 |
I work at a construction company dakota laude. I live in sioux falls all my life. I enjoy fishing, hiking, and playing basketball. I love watching movies, and also watching footbal.
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All with whatever manner of frozen vegetables I feel like cooking (fresh veggies almost always spoil before I eat them).
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Hi.I'm Gabe and I'm a caring honest person who is laid back and like to do new things and learn and I like helping peopl.
| +1 |
Hello and thanks for stopping by. I am a single artist in the Tampa area looking for a creative soul. I am 6' tall, blue eyes that change colors with my mood, average build, great smile, lots of.
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Mega hot pose. PANTS DOWN!
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Best unintentional press of a touch screen I've ever made.
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I have children and i'm divorced.i love cat,dogs,birds,fish.I love to dance,walk,swim,I just like to have fun ,if you want to know more ask m.
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Originally Posted by Cypress25.
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It's Buc-ee's. Gotta love a Texas girl.
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Thanks you two everything seems to be back to normal. We hung out and everything's just fine no akward nothing's or whatever. I just saw that the girl texted him again though, it gave me kind of an icky feeling. Am I overreacting? Guys should be allowed to have female friends and vice versa in a relationship... But what is being passive and where should I draw the line?
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Lol @ hajjars. Wish we had one of those close by. Wonder if they have "AP" classes?
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love the girl in blue.
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After my recent bust with a girl I met through OkCupid (met once, seemed to go well, but then she ignored my question about meeting a second time), I'm back to trying to find other girls through the site.
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"Don't pay in advance, you might not get what you paid for.Whilst I had a very good experience for most of my visit with Lee, I left with a bitter taste in my mouth because she only gave me one shot when I had paid in advance for two. All because she says I slept, which I did not, in fact she did!!!Moral, don't pay until the end, I was stupid enough to trust her.".
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freckles db pink bikini blue towel beach.
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thanks genegalaxo - skinny and looks like a nice gap. i like her.
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Idk how to link shit but 93623 is her.