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| +1 |
For future reference, only give a new gal your cell number - never your land line. That way when you need to you can block her on everything.
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All about the ginger for me.
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Why doesn't she delete him?
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LOL and I still didn't get them all... thx LOL.
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I sent him a polite email last night, asking for some clarity on the situation. Still nothing.
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Well for one, every person that wants to date you wants to sleep with you at some point. It would be an assumption that just because he asked to see you at your place it automatically means he just wants sex.
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admin i founda bug in videos that i dont know if you know about, if you hit my favorites or upload you get a error, can you reroute them to jpg uploads and favorite or are you planning something :o.
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BTW I don't have any big problems with my boyfriend watching porn. He has tons of it and it's okay with me.
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i am here for a serious elationshi.
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I laugh but it's actually a valid point. I must admit that between a 99% match but badly written messages and a 72% match with well written messages, I'd go for the latter.
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So it’s ok to go out and have ONS now?
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oh cor blimey, i missed this. :( A very happy new year pic for us all at JBG (Y).
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Oh my god ! She was beautiful and loves what she do ! Thanks for the very nice moment Violet !".
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Can't wait for the next pic in this set.
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That's probably not a bad sign, just maybe need more time to get to know one another?
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more girls should wear corset's.
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looks like a young shannon elizabeth.
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doops:MissFortune JamesMartin2 .
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wouldn't surprise me if she was a g-cup. Those are HUGE :).
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god i love slumber parties!