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It is clear that he likes me, he watches me, tries to be close to me when he can, he has met my parents (this was his choice) - however when I ask him if he would like to come to my place - he either does not reply or is unavailable. Yet - he replies to every other message.
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As I've gotten older, I've actively addressed that by messaging anyone I was already messaging with prior and saying I had been on a few dates with someone I wanted to focus on and it wouldn't be fair to go on a date right then.
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cockeye bathroom mirror selfpic hoop earrings.
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Lefty has camel face but that's ok long as she has camel ..
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Before my own very brief stint, I did read quite a bit about OLD, so my expectations were very much in check. Overall, my experience was not negative at all. After eliminating those 90% first messages from guys I had zero interest in, I thought the guys I was communicating with were all pretty decent. As someone who doesn't care too much about the guy's looks (as long as he's not obese or has some obvious turn off), I was also pleasantly surprised that most of them were actually quite decent looking.
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Notice you got yourself hung up again on a man that plays push and pull just enough to keep you on the tip of your toes?
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If it's your first set of uploads, or second set, you shouldn't be asking for feedback. It's meant to help you IMPROVE when you get pics rejected, not judge your individual pics each time. I don't know how I can explain it more plainly than that.
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Im very outgoing,Hiking, Exerciseing,Music,Hanging out with friends, Strive for better days is what I'm about throwing out the Negatives and soaking in the Positives. Live Life and be About i.
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Hi.I'm just me looking for you? I know you're out there somewhere I feel it. Hope you all find your special someon.
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I also definitely DO think that the question was very immature and insecurity is the HEART of the matter. Here is another angle....what possessed you to ask him such a question in the first place? There is something deep down inside you which is causing you to question him and his desire for you and his commitment to you. Sounds like there may be problems already with his commitment toward you or you wouldn't have that insecure feeling of having to demand to him that he remain faithful and committed to you while you are on your trip. If you had a solid relationship, 4 months is squat and you wouldn't have felt the need to ask the quesiton if his commitment to you is really there. If a man made a comment to me like that, I interpret that loudly and clearly as "I don't see you as the one I am going to marry. We have been together two years but now I am having my doubts and I am going to be moving on from this chapter in my life (with you.)" His response to your question was his way of telling you that he doesn't see you as "the one." He is nicely letting you know that he doesn't want to commit to you.
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If I find tricks to cope I'll try to share. Reading the book Attached did help but perhaps I should read it again. In the end I think communication in a relationship is very important and I should be able to express my needs to my partner without fear. So I think I'll go that route. If she's the right partner for me she'll be receptive.
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Foursome h2h sitting hbl hil sideknot bikini lake shack.