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What kid wants to be left out?
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Oh, I almost forgot the best part. She told me, " I am a prize to be won. I keep in good shape, I workout, I have a good career and come from a good family. I deserve to be taken care of" This is me and my friends are accustom too." I could never forget that.. I've dated attractive women before, none acted like that. Plus, this was when I was in my 20's. This was from a near 40 year old woman.
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Hello I just recently moved here and would love to meet someone help me settle dow.
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"She is amazing, simply hypnotize you and take for another world.".
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Some might think her no longer a teen. Just guessing.
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Question though? If she states that she's working the evening shift, what are the shift hours?
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I think the first thing you have to do is the fine what you mean by successful. Peoples definition of success veries greatly, especially here on LS .
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I had the pleasure of spending time with Ann. She is beautiful, courtious, and does not rush….
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Don't get me wrong, I don't usually get jealous like this but this situation is really pissing me off. I can accept the fact that she may call him now and then BUT the fact that he is initiating calls to her is bothering the heck out of me. By they way, he says he is only talking to her because he needs a couple of very important favours off her (I know what they are but can't disclose them on this forum)..I can accept that but i still think this is unacceptable.
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Wow, extreme closeup of an extremely pretty girl.
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He sometimes say that he "partially loves me".
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I'm Italian w/ green eyes and not originally from NM, prefer a slim, slender, or fit girl and seem to get along better with younger but ope.
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Understandable. Casual sex isn't for everyone.
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Super nice bikini bathing suit, cute belly and very cute belly button!
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Well I have only been hooking up/dating her for like 3 weeks max so theres no way I can love her... I have only hung out with her 3 times.. anyways yeah I don't know it was just on my mind.. Im over it now though.. Thanks for the input.
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....What about men? Happy to hear it or freaked out?
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I'm 21 I have to boys 1&2 I love too have fun;) hang out with friends I have a good personality! Anymore questions just as.