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So we live an hour and a half away from each other. Seeing each other isn't a problem at all... In the three days we had apart, I drove 400 miles randomly and her house there and back is only 200 miles. So as you can see, I basically drove to her house twice :P.
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Oh gawd this girl reminds me so much of a friend. Im going to fav this beautiful cutie.
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And, I don't care for the OLD culture that has sprung up. It is all very hypocritical. People state that they are looking for a "strong committed relationship" but in all reality, the sites are meat markets. I have had good, relaxed conversations with women that I have a lot in common with via OLD sites just to have them state that it wouldn't work because my "hair was too long", "I had too much muscle" (I'm a 5'10'', 190lb gym rat..), "they didn't like guys with facial hair", or "I didn't have enough muscle" (whatever the f- that means). One woman stopped talking to me because I don't have any tattoos. I didn't take any of this personally but it just turned into a gigantic waste of my time and energy.
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After a divorce and two fairly serious relationships, I found myself single again recently and have been spending a ton of time with a long-term friend who I have always found very attractive and who has always been very flirty and suggestive with me.
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Damn... nice rack and popping ass.
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i think you should call her and ask her out to the party....texting is so impersonal and gives off the vibe that you don't want to talk with the recipient.
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This is the definition of JailBait.
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soft body. beautiful.
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I told you what the issues were. You can take it whatever way you want.
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I don't mean to specifically single out men, but seeing how I'm a woman, I only know about men. I'm sure there are female liars and scammers out there, too...
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Agreed -- if I love the guy and am attracted to him, it's nothing but hot. Great lubrication for me to run my hands all over his hot bod.
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Don't have one ye.
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Hi. I'm looking to settle down I'm looking for a good man will be treat me right I'm not interested in moving I want to stay in Minnesota this is my home is where my family is I live on a limited.
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To be honest this job has some what of a stranglehold on my life and time is a luxury that I don't get to enjoy much outside of work... The job I have requires me to basically "Live" on site for months at a time ... like I goto one city and its a month here or 3 months there --- at times it can be totally unexpected. It is a very demanding job, I just make it look easy.
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Sorry, I meant righty, but there may be more of lefty too. :).
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needs the best in the business with the most expertise..couldnt think of a better person..take your time.
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best part of being in sports was the bus rides with the cheer girls :).
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amazing tan, tummy, face, to bad her body is so covered up.
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what an angel! pretty feet too!