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| +1 |
Originally Posted by Banker Chick.
| +1 |
Damn, the LBD totally distracted me from her hands.
| +1 |
People wishing to understand their foot fixation might be interested in Phantoms in the Brain, which discusses all sorts of odd brain ****, but primarily the phenomenon of phantom limbs. (The author, V.S. Ramachandran, examines bizarre neurology cases in order to further general knowledge of the brain.).
| +1 |
single white male 44 needing that special one to give my life more meaning, someone to hang with do stuff with other than just drink & have fun !! oh but I do want that 2.. like 2 cuddle pretty.
| +1 |
But this really reminds me of those tv shows.
| +1 |
In reading this thread again, it appears you are willing to double down on all of this, even going so far as to arrange a double date and not informing Ryan about your actual past with Matt.
| +1 |
Next time we meet up, I will have a talk with my “boyfriend” about this.
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OP hands type one thing but her brain says another.
| +1 |
More pics of this cutie please.
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i do love the pokey-outey ass, been my thing since like middle school.
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Dont be afraid of pain and disappointment. This is how you learn and grow.
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Estoy buscando a una chica que talvez esta en Tijuana. Mi esposo no sabia de ella hasta hora! Tiene como 17 anos y queremos conocerla. Ayudame porfavor saber como poner en contacto con ell.
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All I know is I really feel pissed after this last text. It's not what she said, it's what she didn't say and the cold tone and that added to the way I was already feeling just made things way worse.
| +1 |
Hi. if your not real or trying to get me to go to your website or scam me for money then don't even message me. Only people that genuinely have an interest in talking to m.
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more brutal than pretty.
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Finns! She looks so tiny :).
| +1 |
It would be nice to make a new friend who just likes hanging out, some same interests such as fishing, campfires, home improvements,drives in the country,a little spiritual minded. I'm a no drama.
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So she said she won't be going -- do you think she'll resent you for having to change her plans or are things really cool between you both now?
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After spending 3 hours composing a suitable reply to his lengthy email, I have more confidence in my mental abilities/ what I have to offer. That was a good email I just sent off. Not as good as his, but I can have good grammar too when I try and I don't think it was boring.