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Hi. i am just me,ask me anything n i will answe.
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I have hazel eyes, brown hair, Im 5'5' Im heavy set (and most men hate that about me) I really like to show off on cam so hoping to get paid for doing s.
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Great advice. Full disclosure is a healthy thing. I hope the OP does this. It will help define a compatible partner. I'm going this route with a pre-nup. I make it clear I enjoyed being married and wish to protect my life's work and that a potential future spouse with a pre-nup should I get married again. A woman who is on-board with both parts enjoys one element of compatibility. I hope the OP follows through on his truth, openly.
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Heh... what a hoot. I have a best buddy who spent a good deal of his life frustrated at being dumped on for being the 'nice guy'. His grandmother of all people told him that there was one truth behind getting and keeping a woman:.
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I would walk away, and not only because of the cheating part, but also because I hold high value for the truth - I can't stand liars, of any kind, and other than cheating she lied to you for SO long.
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i am a fun out going kinda woman..i like to go out and have fun..looking to find a good guy that can treat me righ.
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her breasts look great above that tiny waist, flat tummy. hangers or standers?
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Yes, yes, and yes...she is gorgeous.
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you want to see this guy and no other excuse will be acceptable.
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BF had rough past. cheating wife. Bf has a friend that is more like family. This man had a wife. Cheated on him (so the story goes). Friend and wife split up, but now wife is back on scene 4 years later. Working it out again because of kids.
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Do you believe in Love at first sight? Or should i walk by agai.
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what a cute girl !! I want to see more pics of her.
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For what it's worth, I live on the east coast and work for a company on the west coast. While my physical location is back east, my LinkedIn profile shows me as working in California since that is my official office. I'm there about a week out of the month.
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wait for time to set the mood.
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You are going to find people attractive and have a lil crush from time to time...but you need to really think about the consiquences that will come if you take action. Usually the respect of the others wife or gf and the love for your husband or bf out weigh the excitement of the unknown.