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brunette darkblonde post pillar hollister jean shorts pink seethru tshirt leaning ass rear butt legs patio stones door doorknob garden backlit backarch sideview.
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Damn! They're both amazing!
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I don’t know if the world is going to run forever, but I know I’m not going to be around foreve.
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He's a cheater and a liar. I hope you don't think this is the end to his cheating. That girl has no reason to lie to you. Of course they had sex. What are you going to do?
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I hinted around at meeting up a few days ago and he mentioned how far the drive was but that we'd 'have to set something up'. So I did initiate it.
| +1 |
Your sarcasm is delightful. You sound horribly bitter, must have been a while since you've been laid.
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I am outgoing, energetic and enthusiastic.
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If there were guys there that they were interested in, they wouldn't be long unsticking themselves!
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Give me some grandchildren already.
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Smart, funny, confident, open-minded.. Find out for yoursel.
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Oh i can't stop seeing her She do it the best ,in bed she is amazing, she really knows what a man needs are and she do it allThanks hun for the great time.
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I'm a 25 year old cute young gay boy living in Madisonville, KY. looking for a fun yet romantic dom who can help me escape my boredom every once in a while and make me feel free. daddies and bear.
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Different girl, but same location: .
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dbgap in spirit leaning waist tmm bigeyes amazing skinny shoulders.
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She's not scared, she relishing in the attention she is getting....she has many willing to kiss her feet....what woman would want to give that up after being bogged down in a 3 year relationship? She is enjoying her freedom, and that ain't no sin my friend.