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| +1 |
No..no....these pictures show her face...it's a gallery of pics, but she has one with her head cut off.
| +1 |
Excellent post. The OP should beware because she's probably already contacted a divorce lawyer and she might also try to press false accusations against him (such as domestic violence). She has no love or trust in her husband and is no longer attracted to him. IT IS SO OBVIOUS!!!
| +1 |
The content of the response could be significant, however. Did he flirt with you?
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Hey Jennifer, did you see her???
| +1 |
I agree with Zanzabar....great pic.
| +1 |
Dried up bottle of nail polish: toss in trash.
| +1 |
Why must these mouthpieces have to accompany you both on the drive to the race? What, he's not man enough to take just YOU? If I were back at your age, and in your current shoes, and I was seeing a guy for a month and he had 2 female friends who were out and out rude to me, made rude comments like that, were carrying on that way......and we couldn't even go somewhere together without them having to tag along, I'd tell the guy to buzz off.
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It's her own fault for using misleading pictures. I hate when people put pictures on facebook etc that don't really look anything like them so make themselves seem more attractive.
| +1 |
no... no spanky hadn't... thank's for the heads-up... now let's see what she's thinking... "......" hmm, must be a real blonde. :).
| +1 |
High quality zoom, too!
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I met her 4 months ago and my crush started after the first night i met her. I tried my luck with her but i ruined it by getting a little drunk too quick and also she was going to university so i didn't want to risk a long distance relationship.
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I find it strange that she refuses to come to your house due to her bad experience, and also strange that she can't come over to hang out, whether or not she sleeps over, because of her sister. This is your living arrangement, and while not ideal, it is what it is, and sometimes you just have to work with it. Plus if living in the city is a bit of a time and distance issue, it would be nice if she made the trip on occasion, so you're not the one always having to drive, especially if you have to go home late at night. I hope you can work out some solutions.
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I wonder if he's one of those people who don't like to be alone ever. An extreme extrovert. Living in a party house, having lots of friends, throwing a lot of parties, being busy all the time. Hence you, a pleasant diversion, filler for when he has nothing better, a buffer against being alone.
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Hi.i olay music love to sind i love fee.