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Very nice... and not too skinny.
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Hi..very funny and always in need of real fun.i don't like fake person at al.
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So here are my questions:.
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hi im 27 looking for fun and more. im in full time work im white with blue eyes average build not over weigh.
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definition of perfection!
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I grew up in California as a kid then came back to my home town in sc where I currently reside. I'm outgoing spontaneous and live life to the fullest. I like the outdoors but also like to just stay.
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selfpic mirror camera topless handbra thick scary smile rbb camerastrap panty peek bed blinds.
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I came out with her on her last night and she was a bit depressive because she was ill. I tried to cheer her up, I let her playfully "frape" me, messing with my facebook and she put that i love her over my facebook. She was a bit of a downer during the night and me and her friends were concerned about her. Once i left since i had work next day, she apparently pulled some bloke 10 years older than her. And according to what shes told my friend they have been texting each other allot. Problem is hes from bristol so it would be a long distance relationship.
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Moderator could you please let me know why the pics I uploaded were not excepted ?
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I see your point Bobo and I won't argue since we all have our own tastes.
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My take on this is do not open the can of worms if you're not ready for it. I am pretty sure there are a lot of things that my husbands feels and says but doesn't tell me.
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Hello, my name is Tommy and I'm located in Sapulpa,OK. I,m 55 years old, 6'0'', 200lbs, brown eyes, black hair (what little that I have). I'm average build (kind of plump), and I consider myself as:.
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schoolgirl laying flat kitty shorts.
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WHOA.. amazing 'toe!!