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young & big, jus how I like um!
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the open pants always get a keep.
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ive tried meeting people as i walk thru life and so far no luc.
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I have been separated from my husband since early March cause I found out he was cheating on me. Since then I have been trying to be content and find my own self again. We have a son together which I am taking care of him always have. About the time that I left my ex I might this other guy who is very attractive and very funny. At first we just saw each other and would just say Hi and give a hug. But a few weeks later we where meeting up to go to a baseball game and now we both meet up on the weekends. I am scared I guess because the last date I had was four five years ago in high school. I am starting to realize that my ex really f**ked me up and I feel guilty that I am with him, but when I am with my new friend everything the pain the depression and stress it goes all away when I am just around him. This past weekend he went out of town and I was thinking to myself that I should not be getting involve with this great guy because I need to think about me and my son I need to start doing things for myself. If I continue to have him around I am only going to put more stress on top on the stress I have now. I mean dude he is so funny and just amazing but he is also in the airforce and I am probably thinking that he is going to be leaving soon. So I am just creating more painful days for myself. But It feel so right when I talk to him or when I am with him. Since I have been talking to him more I think about my ex less and less and get the feeling where I don't care about my ex and his whore(my ex friend now). I don't know what to do. I also don't want to bring son in this either. Cause Matt (new guy) wants to take my son and I out for dinner. I don't if I can to that.........oh what to do!
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Divorced but no kids at home, grownup. Retired from retail sales for a year now but work parttime as sports editor for local newspaper. Run an organized youth football league, for 22 years now. Help.
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But I can't understand what I feel for him. I like him, I am attracted to him but I this is something different. I never felt this way for anyone before I came across someone who is so unlike my choices.
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I like to ride my horse through the woods, on the beach, or over the plains. I live in the country Right where I love it at. I like reading, drawing and coloring. I hardly draw now days. Im a bit shy.
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A guy can be a good looking or at least average looking guy and if he is putting off a insecure, unconfident aura/bodylanguage/presence/vibe women will not feel attraction for him and will often just feel neutral for him.
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A marriage starting out based on such a lie as you are willing to tell is no marriage at all, but a farce. A farce in which you will be wholly responsible.
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i dont care about porn when i'm in a relationship unless my gf cant have sex for whatever reason and is not around.
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Hi..im very simple and diligent woman with full of moral. I really want a real man that will take good care of me. text me 414539098.
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Bad finances (there is a difference between bad luck and bad management...I dated a guy that was bankrupt with 4 kids...sometimes I brought the groceries...no issue at all as the story was solid. Truth be told he is now a great success in his area of work and makes a very soild 6 figures.).
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I guess this the part I will tell you a little about myself .. I in college working towards getting a degree in biomedical science I enjoy going to the beach, clubs, sporting events, bowling, pool.
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Nice tiny soft and sexy mid.
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kneehigh socks lbd window elfen.
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Uggh. This is pretty damn stressful. I mean everything would be so perfect right now if she would just realize how good we are living and be happy. And you're right, I have to give up privacy and change our whole way of living just because she doesn't want to make new friends.
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Hi. Loyal, funny, serious gentlema.
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she is totally smoking hot for sure best ever not to sure bout that but hot all the same.
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Oh my she is a keeper. So cute and lovely.
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Those are such hot one-pieces.Lefty is way hotter though.Seriously people, submit more pics of girls in one-pieces or leotards!
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ooh, that reminds me, i need to buy cookies today!
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I still wouldnt call someone who was doing that a slut or whore....they're just very desperate to feel SOMETHING good, even if its just for a brief time.
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Hi.my name is Sean. I'm a very outgoing person with a great personality and sense of humor. I take one day at a time. I pretty much love to alomost anything whether it be outside or just hanging.
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Great butt and thighs.
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And I honestly question myself: I wonder if I am worse than his other relationships? Do I require more "correcting"? Why don't I do these things in this way? Have I been doing things wrong my whole life? He is honestly, seriously convinced that his way is the only possible way of doing things, because why would anyone want to do anything differently?