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| +1 |
I have lived in country most of my life.Been widowed for two years.Have two grown children that are gone with their own families.would like to fined a friend travel companion ,someone to spend time.
| +1 |
and you have to ask yourself .....this question.
| +1 |
I'm currently seeing someone who I've been dating for two months now. We live two hours apart and we've been on five dates so far. The distance doesn't bother me much as two hours isn't too bad especially since we always sleep over when we see each other. So it's not like I'm driving four total hours in the span of half a day, or vice versa for her.
| +1 |
I completely agree. Women say they want a nice guy, but they always pick the jerk in the end.
| +1 |
Shows she's afraid to lose me, as a backup option, or to wait and see if I will step up and get my career on path as an Attorney.
| +1 |
I like her fingernails! :).
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I am bi curious and looking for a woman to come explore with m.
| +1 |
One quick google is all it takes:.
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I try to be the person my grandma raised me to be,honest,independent,loyal to the person you love and who loves you.,looking for the same.I love the outdoors and everything in it.Its pretty hard to.
| +1 |
Here is something I have learned within my own relationships. A man's friends are a reflection of an aspect of himself. Men associate with other men that reflect things in themselves. Your boyfriend is friends with this guy because he doesn't mind his behavior. And he certainly doesn't really mind his behavior toward you. The fact that your boyfriend and his friend "talked" about the issue and "they" agreed that you were making a big deal tells you something monumental for your relationship. That you are not really want matters and that your feelings certainly don't. Currently, your boyfriend is in a deeper relatoinship with his friend then he is with you. You should be upset. And I would seriously consider getting a new boyfriend if I where you. I do not often advocate people just break up because of issues. But this isn't just an issue. Your boyfriend is completely disrespecting and belitting you in favor of his friend. I would really re-evaluate this relationship.
| +1 |
Forgetting you had to be at work an hour before you showed up.
| +1 |
Pro Israeli model...mid 20s.
| +1 |
yea... like I said in an earlier post.. I had a crappy week and I think I'm feeling sorry for myself a bit. I'll snap out of it... and maybe I'll give him a call when I'm feelig better again.
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more of her please o.o.
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I don't feel happy together sometimes but at the same time I feel very unhappy about the thought of breaking up and know I would miss her a lot. Whenever I've thought about breaking up I just can't bring myself to do it.
| +1 |
I seriously think this is my fave on this entire site.
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Enjoys travel, hiking, biking, most sports, museums, concerts, cooking, and much more.
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I really love smart , witty,, and good hearted wome.
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here's one for tummyfan and er'body! woo hoo.
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that's why I go to leadership seminars. to meet like-minded people. there's nothing wrong with networking and making friends through common interests.
| +1 |
LOVE those lips. Beautiful hair too.