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nice looking bikini and hot body, would love to see what they look like when she isn't laying down.
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Is it weird that ruff looking girls r sometimes sexy.
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Hi.. am Michael im sweet nice ,easy going , kid at heart playful sense humor. very very romantic n passionet wear my heart on my sleeve type, sensitive , looking for marriage if right one:) , luv.
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my god, we need A LOT more of this girl!!
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the girl is nice, but that beach is effin awesome looking!
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Ladies and Gentlemen - I introduce you to the most perfect ass in human history!
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Wow, what a pretty and cute innocent face! Yowzers!
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Her heart doesnt seem in this so im going to bring it up and get this sorted once and for all.
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I had a ton of unexpected fun on a bowling date once.
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so i was going through her phone and come across "*******" as a contact.
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Unless of course, your very unattractive and don't have a very affable, remarkable personality to compensate.
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What I've learned to watch for is unintentionally enabling such behaviors when interacting with real or suspected cases. Tough though because the female versions can be very seductive and send out strong sexual vibes. Guys flock to them like bees to the hive, married or not on either side.
| +1 |
Average length is from 5" to 6".
| +1 |
That's the red flag right there. He did all that when you two were not even dating. Intimacy before dating tells me he is the not the serious committed type of guy. I wouldn't be surprise if he's more into one-night stands. And when you told him you like him, he realized you were looking for a real relationship while he probably was looking for something more casual so he back off.