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If you feel that you need to know what I look like in order to be able to answer this question, here are some links. In the first link, i'm the guy on the left.
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Looks like Natalie Portman! :O.
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You cannot threaten someone of a break up and block them each time the going gets tough! You speak up! You ask for time alone to think but you don't use silent treatment and blackmail. Not even for 1 day, no.
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Which is why I think this bloke is a bit confused and is trying to be something other than himself... He seems a bit all over the place and its making him very clumsy in his approaches.
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Also, you would feed a child in a third world nation.
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I was thinking this, too. This wouldn't be very strange at all in many parts of Western Europe. IMO, Americans could definitely benefit by being a little more European in their thinking.
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Question: Have you had sex with her yet?
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Hi.looking for open minded gal that like a to have fu.
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Not that I really think it matters to your situation and wether you take her back or not but I was reading your thread and that strikes me as an odd thing to say...kiss a girl and then tell her to lie to her guy, it just doesn't sit quite right with me and my instinct would say he's playing a game of sorts.
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I also prefer being with a man who makes less, because I don't NEED a man for financial dependence, ONLY for companionship. I don't NEED a man to provide for me because I'm capable of providing for myself.
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Originally posted by gaia.
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More than that and people talk.
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I have kissed a few "frogs" along the search..but, still am hopeful. Could you be the one??? I consider myself to being .
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Been through my share of ups and downs. Ready to start the next.