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Maybe she thought you were trying to blow her off and she didn't want that, so she ignored your message.
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But rule of thumb if you want to understand how men and women interact, it is alot like the animal kingdom and there is a certain amount of stereotyping that occurs that is attractive between the genders, its just innate biology although there is wiggle room in many cases.
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love to see her with a little less on. sexy!
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? that sounds perfect to me!
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So whatever the outcome is, it's yours to.
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I am mentioning this because it very well may not be an excuse when he says stuff like In the beginning we were happy go lucky was because we didn't have anything to worry about, it was like a vacation for us. Now that we're worried about money and jobs, it's differentIt may be an indication that he is feeling some of the feelings I had. Especially if you two really did start your relationship during a "vacation" like period for either of you. Regardless it doesn't sound like this guy is treating you well at all, I think the above posters have given some great advice. Ask him point blank how he is feeling about you and try to talk to family or friends you have back home about maybe helping you get home if that is what needs to happen.
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Except this isnt the first incident lol. The spin the bottle incident, then this? and its the LEAST the guy could do is forgive her? No, the least she could do is leave this poor sap alone before she starts allowing drunken frat guys to do jello shots off her stomach at her bfs b-day party or something.
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cute, young, braless, perky.
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Do women let a guy linger to increase his interest level, or to test whether he is really interested?
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