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| +1 |
I'm just a simple girl looking for my one of a kind guy. I'm smart, funny, sincere, compassionate and truly devoted to everything I do and believe i.
| +1 |
I am an attractive big guy looking for a friendship and more. I like cooking, movies in, camping, fishing, and am open for lots of other thing.
| +1 |
Michelle to her credit did a sterling job of fending him off.
| +1 |
brunette hair highlights laying on her side tummy (!) smile closed eyes green beach towel outside outdoors water sand maroon nailpolish tan lines black bikini zoom.
| +1 |
That is what a forum is. Nobody here claims they are stating facts, they are stating their opinions. The OP wanted to know if it was normal, and chances are if the resounding response is "okay that is creepy," she has her answer.
| +1 |
Sorry, life is not that simple. Forgive your ex and try to understand that humans, though messed up, all deserve happiness. And that you don't hold the truth as to what should be done in this situation or what the consequences will be.
| +1 |
Wow... that's some longhair - look healthy and taken care of though... (y).
| +1 |
Could it be because he has cheated in the past?
| +1 |
She looks like a tall drink of water. (y).
| +1 |
I think we are missing a critical piece of information here. You indicated that that he is not that into bdays, in fact did not get his daughter a bday present, but did buy her things on other occassions. You have not told us if he does the same for you.
| +1 |
lovely girl! daisy dukes are hot.
| +1 |
thanks...havn't seen this cutie.
| +1 |
white hat red feather hug fake nails yellow cup.
| +1 |
1500club listhub100 listhub125.
| +1 |
Hi. I want to get to chat with girls I'm new to this. Message me or tell me about how it works. I would want to get to know you and maybe meet u if things work ou.
| +1 |
It's not something that's under my control. My heart doesn't want to let go even though I have cried and literally begged myself to just leave him behind and move on. it's also not my fault that my relationship with other guys haven't escalated. They just don't seem to want to take it further and I don't understand why.
| +1 |
backoff ALOT.........and NO your are not doing this for her its for YOU.
| +1 |
But is there such thing as an ugly penis?
| +1 |
Personally, I think any woman who does online dating and expects to meet a decent guy there needs to have her head examined.
| +1 |
Love this ibt brunette.
| +1 |
Glad you guys like it. Too bad i'm temp banned from uploading right now... I'll stick around for more though don't worry.
| +1 |
Maybe, but I don't think someone having an affair is in the general case is an automatic reason to end every relationship.