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| +1 |
very sexy.but her hair may be to heavy for her.
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schoolgirl face bikini spread wide.
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.....so almost all "wet t-shirt and panties" pics get rejected.
| +1 |
Just playing it cool, folks, no worries .
| +1 |
Don't call him, please. For your own sake. Keep busy, GO out and spend time with your friends/family. If you sit and wait for him, you'll feel worse.
| +1 |
The cutest girl on the internet.
| +1 |
Oh sweet baby Jesus!! Very nice :).
| +1 |
I thought I was the only one who felt the same way all of you who posted a message here do... I have a boyfriend who I have been with for 3 years now and for the last year and a half have tolerated his lies about his relationship that he's having with his ex. There may not be any sex involved, but there has been a lot of strong feelings and words shared between them - I've read their emails to one another - I had to. I felt he gave me no choice because I knew he was contacting her on a regular basis and whenever I confronted him about it he lied to me, instead of telling me the truth. Recently I've confronted him "once and for all" (so-to-speak) since I've been tolerating this for so long now... He admitted to having seen her several times and lied to me about it and emailing and calling her several times and lying to me about it yet he claims that it was all innocent and that he meant no harm to me but he never wanted me to get upset. It hurts more when you're lied to. At least it seems your boyfriend doesn't hide the fact that his ex calls him constantly. I want to trust my boyfriend but I just can't anymore and it's driven me nuts. I've come to the conclusion that the only way to resolve this problem was to confront him and give him the ultamatum - me or her! I am not one to make a boyfriend choose who he can and cannot be in contact with (etc.) but there has to be some place to draw the line. Recently my BFs ex inquired as to whether he still had her photos up on the wall... She knows all about me - he's (apparenlty told her that he loves me) yet she's got the nerve to ask such a question and then request that he email her pictures of himself!!! The whole situation is quote bizarre when you consider that the two of them broke up because there photos of an ex girlfriend on the wall that he refused to take down... Never makes sense does it? I wish you all the best - and hope you do not suffer or get hurt any further. I really liked Johan's message - well said. Life is just too short to play ridiculous games. My boyfriend's ex has completely ruined my relationship with him. Her constant emailing and almost nagging "how are you?" "i miss you..." and the two of them exchanging photos of themselves has just made this relationship WORTHLESS. If he cannot out of his own tell his ex to back off - that he is in a new relationship now then its just not worth it. He doesn't care about you enough and we all know we deserve better!!!
| +1 |
This is the real problem.
| +1 |
Keep dating her. Don't talk this to death but schedule something with your buddies & tell her that next Friday you will be with them in an effort to give her space.
| +1 |
Great tummy & cute denim shorts !!
| +1 |
Heels microskirt longhair brunette twosome acetone router windex febreeze pen phonecord.
| +1 |
I'm very funny and inventive adventurous spontaneous I just want a woman to love and have fun no drama no games 575694412.
| +1 |
My heart goes out to you.
| +1 |
She works out!!! Nice:).
| +1 |
Originally Posted by GalfromCanada.
| +1 |
people dosnt understand when i say, to them i´m sexy,but you need to try and see what happing.i like jokes,i´m easy going,relaxing good listener,carring,loving,calm,humble and understand a.
| +1 |
with one "click" all the flags will be removed as will whoever did it !! ").