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"I meet the girl with red and black spectacles twice. She is a stunner. Awesome massage service.….
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This girl, according to her girl friend, has a tendancy of getting together with a-holes and falling in love too fast.
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Here's an interesting question to ponder: Do you think that what we have today is us in our "natural" state? Or do you think that people are just as influenced by our culture as they were 60 years ago (albeit in different ways)? Remember that our culture has changed dramatically over the past few decades.
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She refuses to spend time with her friends, spending all her time with this man. However, on the upside, at least she's still studying hard, and doing well with her GCSEs - which will be finished by June this year.
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egbunny: Wow, the worst start for a first comment I've ever seen. tons of personal information, and even a URL. (n) Please explain to me why you think you should not be just banned right now.
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Originally posted by shellgranado.
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anyone else here think that the girls that only use a slight hint of makeup seem far prettier than the ones that use a trowel.
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Getting Pirates tickets today.
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this is now in contention for my fav pic on the site.
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Am a single dad of a boy but I prefer to be ask question and I answer than write bunch of things for someone I don't know to read. Please I don't mean to be rud.
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great body, firm boobs, topless.
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academix - tight stomach.
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When you are in love the first thing you should have is trust. You have been dating only for a month and you are behaving like a crazy lover. If you persist in having such feelings you will never have a moment of mental peace. Might be she was tired, might be she was concentrated on her studies. Do not make a big deal out of such things. All you should do is to build up your love in being understanding and in trusting her. Everything else will fall into its place. Good luck for your love to succeed.