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| +1 |
totally a face guy too.
| +1 |
Hello, I am a recently divorced mother of 2 who is new to this so I am not sure exactly what I am doing. I am interested in meeting new people as we just moved here from Wyoming and I do not know a.
| +1 |
Looking for some casual fu.
| +1 |
LMAO!!!!! Oh, s4s, I can ALWAYS count on you!!!
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@paddington bear: now i think maybe she was trying to make ME jealous ?? because i felt like she wanted me (the hugging was not "normal" it was more like "i want to feel your body pressed against mine") but could not ditch that guy in front of her friends... so she was waiting for me to take some actions (lead her out from there and Z) ?
| +1 |
Hey... if you get to race Audis for a living, pretty much everything else pales in comparison.
| +1 |
navel cross tubetop brastrap layers jeans brickwalk wavy blonde white belt pine captain.
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I also hope that your boyfriend forgives you, if that's what you want. There are a lot of infidelities that are discussed on this board that would be absolute dealbreakers in my relationship. Indeed, until reading your thread I have thought that any intercourse with another man would result in me leaving my partner. But in your case, I absolutely would forgive, although it would take time to understand and get past the betrayal.
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I enjoy working at the c store and am proud of my truck cliffor.
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loving,caring,non judge mental, a kid at heart,serious when need be, hones.
| +1 |
2 hawt 4 da Beebster !!
| +1 |
If you are FAKE or a FAKE widower/military trying to scam FORGET IT. I have ENOUGH INTELLIGENCE to know I am being led on. It won't WOR.
| +1 |
I'm all about fun, not interested in drama or games looking for somebody to hang out with with no pressure and if the outcome is a Ltr than would be great with me. .