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| +1 |
agree with jersey but i am adding 4 in the back.
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I also resent your statement regarding school teachers. Educating our children is probably one of the most important jobs a person can have. Maybe it's not glamourous in your eyes but for you to define people by what they do is absurd. Now I see that perhaps it's your attitude, and NOT your income, that's driving women away from you.
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"What a Babe, perfect assets to be with. I am short of words for her. Just Excellent. Not a time watcher. Good location.".
| +1 |
righty has a smokin body.
| +1 |
What a superb picture to start the new uploads off (y).
| +1 |
glow in the dark stickers of stars, comets, and such are on the ceiling.
| +1 |
Then bag her a bear or something there, show-off.
| +1 |
if his dad never lived with them... just imagine it - she was comfortable being naked with him when he was little, and in her eyes, he's always a child, so i guess she just stayed comfortable with it .
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Finally, don't listen to your dumb friends. You can get, at the very least, HPV from oral sex. Are your friends doctors? No? Why are you taking medical advice from friends who didn't stop you when you were self-destructing that night?
| +1 |
Renovations look great, guys! Impressive redesign and a sleek setup. Nicely done.Beautiful girl to start us off, too!
| +1 |
Originally Posted by love_darlings.
| +1 |
There are no easy answers really. Only hard questions with some difficult answers. Realize that the charade will not last forever, so how it all ends up is up to you. Do you want to be found out or do you want to come clean and release yourself from the torment? You have to answer that for yourself.
| +1 |
I come on this forum looking for some support not a kick up the arse!
| +1 |
2) Or just take a gamble and go for it, and see where it leads?
| +1 |
I'm on this site to find a good friend who would become something more eventually. I appreciate honesty, respect, and attention in relationships. Guys, let's play fair, no pics - no repl.
| +1 |
So yeah. Unless you want nsa then time to get him out if your life. Don't think he is going to change.
| +1 |
righty has a cute round ass, but the sand and dirt ruins pic. nothing beats clean tan skin.
| +1 |
Caught him on last night very briefly - he's been real busy... we both just voted and left.
| +1 |
RElocating is not really a great option for me now, since I cannot afford to relocate financially. So that's not on the list of options, though it is funny to occasionally find a woman who recently was big city gal to move into my area to be near her folks to realize most people around here HER age are lacking teeth or the hunks are married with children.
| +1 |
No, I'd definitely say if there's a single college girl in her 20's and she's telling you "I don't want to be with anyone right now" it really does mean "I don't want to be with you".