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A bit skeptical of online dating... but, hey might as well give it a try :) I'm looking for someone who loves life and is motivated! I moved to Sioux Falls in 2012 after I finished grad-school at.
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Where's he going? Afghanistan? I'm not sure I'd buy it. I once started dating a guy who went to Dubai for a month. Not a peep out of him. He made some excuse when he came back about leaving his sim card at home in the US. It did not work out. And he turned out to be a big fat liar. Not saying that your guy is the same, just saying it sounds sketchy to me.
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Oooh very nice, gorgeously proportioned body...beautiful.
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This man will slowly destroy your happiness and joy. You'll live in fear, self hate and disrespect for yourself being treated that way. And again, the only one who can change it is you so pick up the phone and get help...
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I am a single parent currently serving in the Active Army. I have 2 children and I am orignally from NY. I am 27, half black and half Panamian with a little West Indian in me too (big ups!). Even.
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Hi..I prefer to said all this to the person I get in contact, but one think is important for me is to be happy I love my kids like to go out with my friends once a while.
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Old fashioned values would hold one back when I was dating in the 80's too.
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Wow! Those cheerleaders are STACKED!!!
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Please be careful and weigh this decision carefully!
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I'd love to see more from that rack!
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Like I said, more like over 2 years ago.
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Good chance that the cop was taking the picture.
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The year before I quit drinking I had been living with a girl about 3.5 years and she is the one that brought AA into my life.