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u arent happy with him - and if u were u would feel horrible....trust me - in my last realtionship - i was sooo close to cheating cause it would be the first love and attention i was getting in a while - opened my eyes to how i was realling feeling in my relationship - done!! - we broke up because we werent happy.
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But, different strokes for different folks.
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Now that I'm "on the market" again so to speak, I talk to guys and realize how many of them are absolute garbage. I mean...REAL garbage. The kinds of guys who pretend they're looking for something serious, but really you know they're just looking for the next easy lay. Makes me miss the comfort and security of having a monogamous, long-term guy right there.
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nice ibt and great ass too.
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Why can't you reach out?
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I am single and I have no� kids my work�is a school crossing guard�and� in my free time�I also�like going to�the show and in the fall and winter I like going to the hockey games I bowl on�Monday.
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We ended being one of those on again off again couples which really started to get to me. I always try and do what is best for me as i have a little girl to think about who is 3. I decided today that i thought it was best that we stopped seeing eachother because everytime we broke up he would always text me telling me he missed me and wanted to see me and i would go round. We were always on and off because off his ex. she wanted to get back with him and after an unhappy 5 years it was not what he wanted but he still would not tell her about me.
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That is what is most important to m.
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I feel good for talking to him about it, but not sure if I've ruined our relationship because of it. Do you think I was wrong in agreeing for him to delete her, but he did ask me?
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to where I want to be in my career choice, my new Gameplan!!
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basically after all this, I met that girl, which I didn't find very attractive, but we started getting closer and closer anyway. She was the one who asked me out. We went on 4 or 5 dates. Now I know this will sound cruel, but I was flirting openly with her, playing my role pretty well.
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roxy hat gray tank jeans self.
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Masha was very professional and nice about it, we spoke and she was very apologetic. I told her I'd definitely love to reschedule with her and I will!
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twosome closeup bff kiss hoop earrings highlights updo earring shoulder brunette.
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I'm Britt.. I'm looking for a new FEMALE friends get to know my husband and I better have some fun with👄💋. We both smoke, drink, play card.
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Also probably due to the fact that I spent a lot of my younger adult years in dens of iniquity, clingers remind me of strippers who are trying to squeeze the last dollar out of me. lol.
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Nobody ever has and I wouldn’t ask. I already know what single people my friend’s know anyway.