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BEAVERHUNTER120: please leave comments are the comment page, mentioned at every new HP.
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shaved ibt hot as hell.
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I feel like I should be completely honest I am crazy bipolar and insecure lol jk but if you ask I'm an open boo.
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Hi. This isn't going to tell you much lol I'd rather have a conversatio.
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I am a single dad who is looking to have some fun and live life to the fulles.
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I read various things on the net explaining about porn and men finding other women attractive.I also read loads of books about why men think the way they do.As well as this i built my own self confidence up.I began to understand things alot more and now im fine.My life is alot better.
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Hi.. I'm a divorced mom of 3 living grown children aged 21-30, 1 recently deceased daughter and grandma to one beautiful 4 yr old angel. I also have a little doogie and an ornery kitty. I currently.
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Hi, I'm a retired gentleman homeowner, financially secure.Divorecd 14yrs.my last relationship was 2yrs. ago.I,m a non-smoker. HONEST,trustworthy,raised Catholic,but now attend the church of.
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After talking with her about it, she says that she will never do it again. She says she doesn't even want to talk to other guys, because she doesn't want to hurt me. She says she didn't know it would hurt me for her to flirt. It wouldn't bother me except for the fact that we are so close. I don't know if maybe she doesn't love me as much as she says she does... It just sucks because she has told me before that I'm "the only guy for her" and "she wants to spend the rest of her life with me" and then she goes out and flirts around.
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black panties pink lace pink shirt hurley posing hands in air hia.
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blue nailpolish cap with print easy longhair blonde jacket headtilt smiling autumn fall eyeliner outdoors.
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I am laid back, easy going & fun! I love to laugh so a good sense of humor is a must! Trust & Communication is very important to me! I'm looking for loyalty laughter love & my best friend. :.
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He said with complete surity, "You also come on Saturdays only".
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foursome bikini pose glasses striped.
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I have been with my bf now for about 2 months. We really have alot in common and I do love him and him me. ( yes already. ) I am 38 and he is 35. Compared to my last bf (which I know you all are aware of lol) he is awesome, loves my kids and they love him, he is so great to me. But here are some signs that are freaking me out a bit.
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I did ask him about this and it seemed like the ex really loved him but was not interested in being sexual, like she just wanted him as a friend/partner but not into the sex part of things. And she had serious sexual issues. I don't think she liked sex at all. It was a strange relationship. More like roommates/best friends but they still "loved each other" so they didn't want to lose each other, even though they had major sex issues. I think he really cared about her as a person but didn't feel much toward her sexually, and she loved him so much she was willing to endure anything to keep him around.
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HI spunk - you should know that was just in jest !
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Hi.a responsible man should text me 832378905.
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twosome bathroom purple blue bra.
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Are afraid of commitment? Married women pose no threat.
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Users that have reuploaded their own rejected pics and the date the pic was uploaded the first time (read the FAQ):diablo936 (11/24).
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Like others have mentioned, move on.... He's not worth it. You deserve a guy who's going to actually date you and be emotionally available.
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Arabess - agreed...that's what I was trying to get at in my initial post.