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OP, do what you do for you. If working third shift is your thing, cool. Graves suck, BTDT but things are always subject to change and it pays the bills. I remember when I'd be out in the shop in the middle of the night doing jobs and when my exW headed off to work she'd be wondering why I was sleeping. Eh, I was out welding and doing machine work while you were sleeping, hon. Maybe visit the shop and see what I do?
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I am extremely frustrated by the dating scene. I met this guy online, and we had planned to meet a couple times, but things came up. So, i kind of backed off, figuring he was not interested. So, he texts me after 3 days saying i never text him bla bla bla. So, the other night we were texting, and we made a plan to meet. So, we did, and we totally hit it off. He held my hand, was totally affectionate, we got along great, etc. I went back home, he sent me a text to see if everything was okay. The next day, i text him and told him i had a really nice time, thank you, etc. He never responded. I thought about calling him in a couple days, but decided against it. Someone please give me a crash course in dating! what is the proper thing to do after a date? I get so upset when a guy is into me on the date, and then he doesn't call the next day. Is he "playing it cool"??? I mean, he was even talking about future dates and ideas of what we could do.
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My ex and I have a long history. We dated a yr and broke up because of family issues. I met him through family and he couldn't handle everyone knowing his business. He had a gf short after.
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I've read a few books that assert this belief, but it really is a chicken/egg theory and I was trying to see which perspective you draw this belief from. Here is the problem:.
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Then one day he wakes up and decides he couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't be with me. Being in the same room with me gives him panic attacks. So he runs. Carter describes that some men (or women) will go so far to as cheating on their partners to get out of the relationship. Others will pick at the partner and the relationship. What quirks about the partner that they claim to love is now a source of annoyance. Keep in the mind, what sets these commitmentphobes apart is that the turn is very abrupt, leaving the partner to wonder what happened and to make efforts to get these commitmentphobes back. Once you step back though and move on, they'll come back asking for forgiveness with the same intensity that they showed at the beginning. Then the cycle starts all over again.
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From my experience the paid dating sites are better than the free ones. Way too many duds on the free ones. That's just from my experience though.
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exceptional. more if you have them please.