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| +1 |
Computer repair fail?
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Nothing turns a girl off more, with texts, than a guy who constantly messages her.
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he swears he IS over her and having stuff around the apartment and the letters were merely his laziness for not throwing it out.
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So gorgeous and so young looking.Perfection.
| +1 |
Yep, that's me too! Sometimes I just walk around the gym or a road race like a beagle. Waiting for the wind to bring me the scent of my next dating target. Even if it goes nowhere or they are with someone... just being around all that, um, manly manness... mmm, mmm.
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cant say that and other comments that are bad are flagged also when members come to them.
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You get your validation of worth from others ( being men ).
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dock hoh fit skinny abs fish fishing rod ruffled bikini top hose.
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thanks, this could be true, although I felt as if we have been out of the honeymoon phase for a while (after 4 months) hes gotten extremely comfortable with me and the "lovey doveyness" had gone away. He's still sweet but its not the same. I was okay with that. But what happened the other day was something else and was not ok. And since then I see things about him that I never noticed before. Like how much importance he puts on material things, how much he boasts and jokes about how great he is, but then if I say something or if I accomplish something he puts me down...He does this "jokingly" but still. This is his humor is making fun of others....I'm noticing it now and I'm starting to get extremely irritated with him. I in turn have been acting cold and I can't help it. I just am annoyed by his behavior and its gotten worse and worse. But at the same time I still love him, so I'm not sure if I should just have a talk with him or continue like this and see how it goes..
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I'm comfortable with myself and enjoy being around people. I'm open to trying new things so we don't need to have the same interests. My idea of exercise is working in the garden or going for a walk.
| +1 |
There's something so perfect about #3.
| +1 |
Thank you...and ditto right back at ya!!!