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I'll admit though, I'm naturally a pessimist because I'm tainted by social network and seeing every other person proclaim their undying love for someone they just met every other week. It's redundant.
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Omg, this is Jailbait!
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Beautiful babybait pink skirt.
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I think you can't build emotional rapport or have a meaningful discussion over text & snap chat. Save those for pithy one liners. Use voice & in person interactions for actual conversations.
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wish there was a better pic of her. she is insanely hot.
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Lookin for a someone to have a gud time wit.
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I too have this same problem with my fiance because of his "unfaithful" past.
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Thx kev, all I can do is bookmark the pic, and do it when I get home. Need a new dumb-phone!
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You're playing your boyfriend for a fool. I feel sorry for him.
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We have since then hung out multiple times. The 1st time was when I invited her to a party where we spent a limited amount of time there before we left and spent the rest of the night talking in my car. I think we hung out a total of 8 hours that time. She did seem annoyed with the fact that I had stuff in the back seat of my car.
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They are the types to keep opposite sex friends around on purpose---to keep their partner "on his/her toes" ......
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gosh i'm so hott in the mornings..sigh.
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welcome nr 1000 in my navel piercing gallery :).
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what makes a guy abondon someone that he seduced? How can he not be serious?What made him get close when he doesn't even know what marriage is?Is cheating a universal phenamenon or is it limited to Indians?
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I know that there are some guys that hide behind friendship in order to get sex but I can honestly tell you that my guy friend is not like that. Yes we cuddled once but there were numerous other chances and we did not succumb to temptation. I honestly think that we are really good friends and that he is not a threat to my relationship with my bf.
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Hello my name is shilah Im 5'0 and full of fu.
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Hi. I am a single female that works hard to make my goals and dreams reality. I would love a friend who is making things happen in their own lives. I would love to go to the movies or dinner.
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tummyfan - a really skinny girl laying down. look at those hips!
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An older woman mentioned to me that it isn't good for a man to make "bagging" him too easy for the woman, she said just as some men don't like easy women. I understood her theory but men and women are different, so how does this approach affect a woman's level of attraction to a man?