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Great! Let him go back there as often as he wants. When he gets home he will take all his sexual frustration out on you.
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The point being, hiding yourself and being insecure is a turn off. Don't do it.
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Yeah...That one on Miss Lefty makes her looks like her chest was put on as an after-factory accessory!
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Sorry, the server is at it's limit . We'll be moving to a new server very soon. Please be patient, as this will all be resolved in the next days :).
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Now this girl is smoking hot.
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So this is what happens when you thought you were entering your friends restroom and you found our that this was the wrong door...….
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Not sure what you mean about him being poor. Are you suggesting he'd only be interested in me if he was poor? Or do you mean that him being poor is what is putting me off? No, he isn't poor (or rich for that matter), it's the intelligence gap that is bothering me.
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Overall great sex, but the environment was not the best.
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"This woman is the most amazing...very interested in getting to know me and my desires...then hit them perfectly in a very real way. Looks great and dressed to perfection for our meeting. The photos on this site are real.
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usually only attracted to white girls... but she is HOT!
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These old comments for this pic are awesome lol.
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i like the body in background better.
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I'm a music artist who loves weed, food and a good time. weed isn't required but don't let it get in the way of fu.
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Righty is pretty hot but lefty has a big forehead lol.
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Feminism alone cannot take the brunt..but it is a contributing factor. I feel like as men these days we are getting mixed messages as to how to behave, and to what is attractive.
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Alcohol isn't a cause, it's an excuse. Most people don't even consider cheating no matter how drunk they are.
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I'll be more specific. I've yet to have that experience with *any* LS female who's brought her problems to my doorstep.
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Probably more happen than just a kiss. I think deep down........you do too Davidh.
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I am decent, responsible, hard working, dedicated, faithful, loyal, successful, happy, welcoming, jovial, single and God fearin.