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It leaves me wondering if she's purposefully planning to meet guys when she's out clubbing and is telling you this so she has a ready-made excuse in case she ever gets caught. At the very least, I suspect she's been in the position where she's let things get too far when she was drinking before which is why she sees it happening again. I'm kind of doubtful that she would be as naive about being hit on as you think when she has so much experience with it.
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There is one other slight possibility, that she doesn't look at the pics, but reads the penthouse forum section, which a hetero woman might find stimulating. You are going to have to ask her directly to know for sure.
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im not looking for anything serious,just a friend to hang out wit.
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no comments yet? christ she looks perfect.
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I am a figment of my own imaginatio.
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Working professional living alone in SC for several years after moving from New England. Feeling lonely, I think, in part, due to cultural change. Not too many single, liberal, non-church-going.
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I would be amazed. My theory is that it doesn't matter what you say. What matters is who says it and how you say it. Don't try to argue it's field tested ;-) haha.
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"I tried to reach this person, but he is not an educated one and was quite abusive.".
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I did not read all posts but just wanted to say that my last ex, who I ended up loving more than anything in the world, also said it first (he's a guy), and at the time I didn't feel it yet and didn't say the same.
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Originally Posted by useless.
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So here's my question, Spookie: do you tend to be a person who can't stand stability, success? Do you tend to push and pull things that are working well until they break? Does that provide you with a drama that you need more than the success and stability?
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Yes opening your heart means pain. Possibly a lot. But thats why we have to get on the horse again so when we find a good person we can have a real relationship with them. Otherwise dating.