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I would now call us good friends and we even send whatsapp messages to each other sometimes on weekends. A couple of times he sent me cute pictures. I suspect the reason why he is not asking me out IF he does want to, is me. I am playing it a little too cool, and I'm pretty sure he has no idea how much I like him. The reason I am playing it so cool, I cannot believe a guy who looks like that likes me. You should see some of the other girls he has hooked up with look like! I have a pretty face, I used to be pretty fat but I lost a lot of weight a long time ago but I still don't think I'm the kind of girl who guys stop in their tracks to stare at! I guess the problem here is twofold. First despite what other people tell me I cannot believe he likes me and I remain convinced deep down he likes me as a friend (I do sense the chemistry though, it is electric when we're in the room together, but how do I know that is not one sided and he feels it too? It's the kind of chemistry where when we're sitting side by side it's all I can do not to just gravitate over and hold his hand It's like my body has alife of its own when I'm around him) I know he is hooking up with girls on tinder but he told me a couple of weeks ago that he is tired of this and would soon be in the place in his life when he wants a serious girlfriend. ( Oh and I am also on tinder which he knows but not hooking up at the same rate as him ) In the same conversation I mentioned how my departments finance guy had asked me out a couple of months ago and I felt real awkward about this as things were a bit weird and I didn't like going into their office now. This guy then said he would be pretty nervous to ask a girl out at work because of this creating awkwardness. Could this also be the reason why he isn't asking me out? I am so confused by this, and would hate the reason why he never asks me out to be my lack of confidence and my inability to understand why such a hot guy who could literally have anyone would want me.
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I met her yesterday. No need to think twice, jut go for her. I wish if I can make her own.
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The idea is to request feedback BEFORE uploading. The pics could have been denied for many reasons, most having to do with image quality, age-appropriateness and subject appeal. du & other approvers will offer feedback if asked prior to uploading.
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He doesn't need everything spelled out in big letters.
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I'm a fun lovin guy looin for ppl to chill wi.
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A mistake is losing our keys, not sleeping with someone, that is the reality. Listen to what people on LS are saying, we have been through it, and got the tee-shirt.
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Lefty has an amazing figure.
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I'm the type that always questions other people's motives, though, which is one reason why I like to get different perspectives like this. Doesn't mean I won't talk to her, but when I do I'll have a better clue as to what she's thinking or at least some idea of what goes on in other people's heads.
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Anyway, I'm so sorry for rambling. I would really appreciate some input as I feel the last few months of my life have been the worst I've ever been through. AndI have been through it wihtout my boyfriend.
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I fell in love again, but this man hasn't said he loves me after more than 2 years of being together romantically. He came close twice and took it back both times. He also broke up with me, reconciled, then got cold feet a month after reconciling and tried to act like we'd never gotten back together. He apologized though, and said we were together and he wanted to be with me. At this point, I have lost all hope of him saying he loves me. It's sad to say that. I wanted to be loved by him.
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more of these angles!