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There are some men who are natuarally good with women and some men (the smart ones) who LEARN how to deal with women over time and w/ experience.
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In addition, I normally would never consider dating an ex's good friend out of respect for everyone involved in the situation. But, given the situation of my ex dating one of my friends I'm considering otherwise. I figured if they did it, and my ex has no problem with it, then it shouldn't be that big of a deal to her. Again, she could easily have double standards and be completely against it, but lets hope she can be reasonable about it considering who she is dating now.
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I think he's noticed too....he still contacts me everyday, and will double text me when I take longer to reply. I know the conversation about "us" will probably be coming soon.
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gorgeous and great feet too.
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I know that she's not, but doesn't the girl in the middle look like Sandi, from the Webe models?
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You have to understand, firstly, that this has got nothing to do with you. I made that mistake before and took his burden in for him -- and I thought I was the one with the problem that's why he's being like that. It was a ginormous mistake. It took me a while to understand that this was something that was going on with him, and that only he himself could take him out of his slump. Until then, all I can do is to remind him that I was there to support him.
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now shes a cutie...
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I would not say anything. He will screw up on his own. He cannot keep this double life.
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So if there's no trust you just give up. Yeah thanks. I will consider that an option but in the mean time I will believe I am totally mad and insane. LOL really this site is for children. Thanks but I will go get some professional help.
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Looking for a regular feeder or feeder.
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I'm not sure what I am looking for on here. Mainly bored. But just moved to Alaska from Colorado and having a hard time meeting people for dating or friends. There are great guys here but most are.
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Just have reasonable expectations. If you date the "fling kinda' guy", fling away. If you date the other kind, he's probably looking for a relationship.
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I say "I called you cell to see how you were doing".
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2. How much do you like this guy otherwise?
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over analyzing or just being ????