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My only suggestion is to call a domestic abuse hotline for yourself. If you are still interested in staying you have poor self esteem and may have patterns that are not healthy. Perhaps you grew up abused or saw it happen to your mother but something in you says it's OK and it is never OK.
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38 Never blow dries his hair.
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No, not of he is serious about you. Would you break up with him if the situation were reversed, if he was ready to settle down and you weren't there yet? No. He's just not committed to you... that's why he broke up.
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Always nice when there is more than bottoms can hold.
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I am a commitment-a-phobe in the sense that I consistently seek out relationships that I know Im not in for the long haul. Then I slowly pick them apart and "find" things I don't like about them. Except many times im not "finding" these qualities out as much as they were already there to begin with. If they weren't there to begin with then usually the person had showed a character flaw or propensity towards said bad qualities that is identifiable earlier on. I do this to protect myself from hurt and actual caring. I think it boils down to self esteem and doing right by yourself. I was selling myself short in these relationships and my self esteem was too low to realize I should be better than that. I shouldn't be wasting precious time and hurting people like that. I'm looking inwards to right it, but it is hard at the moment because I have just been cheated on. So it's kinda hard to say well this is my routine, let me shed all that and fully open myself 100% after whats just happened. That could be a cop-out but im trying.
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Great petite body with firm boobs and a great face.
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omg what a great tummy!
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But I can guess several things.
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wow 5 out of the last 10 days shes been the cover girl.
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Lol wait what? This entire thread is literally the same people commenting back and fourth yet I am the one who gets **** for being active? Its clearly an interesting thread period and an interesting topic so posting says more about the topic than whether I care or not. Also if I cared, then on an anonymous forum where nobody knows who I am, I would damn well just say I cared and ask for advice lol.
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I just didnt think it was right for him to within 5 minutes go running to him and telling him after I had asked him not to say anything yet. He went against my wishes and in my eyes that is a question of loyalty. I didnt tell my bf to gossip I just wanted to confide in him as my sister and her 'bf' have had ongoing issues which my bf is aware of and i just wanted to voice my concern with him. I wasnt aware that my bf's friend has issues with his cousin anyway and doesnt get on with him. So when he started saying negative things to my bf about him and interfering it made me feel so uncomfortable.
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talk about anything/ snap: k_evvin15 😊🍁.
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Thank you so much for this post.
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My friend at the party and her boyfriend didn't like him, as I mentioned. I thought he was okay. He brought something and was trying to be social. She didn't like that he said he wanted to live a nomad type life. He wants an rv or tiny house that he can pull around and go from place to place. I have asked him how he expects to do that with a full time job and he says he doesnt know yet. He mentioned how he doesn't want kids right now. Well neither do I. But he might in the future. I think that is most people my age. My girlfriend just think he is a nomad party boy. I do want a stable lufe. My friend thinks I will never have that with him. Part of it is appealing to me.
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there's the root of your problem. The bond was broken when you cheated and he will never ever fully respect you 100% as a true love.
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She might just be going through a lot of stuff right now, maybe just give her time, talk to other girls. if shes shy she might not come around though. you might have to make the first move.....i know i am very shy when it comes to guys, and i get nervous and i dont like calling them everyday, but if he ever stopped calling me, i would think he wasnt interested and i wouldnt bother with it anymore. that may seem a little confusing i just woke up lol.
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The reason I'm so stressed over this is that I want to move back home and for us to have an LDR (I have posted previously). Because it is at the point where we can either start over or finish and I have the option of a new start elsewhere, this is why I'm mulling everything over.
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I made a disgusted face when she said she asked this male friend to fly to San Francisco with her and spend a long weekend. But she didn't bite and didn't even ask my permission. She said it would be fun. Only when I asked her if they'd be in separate bedrooms, she said, "Of course, we're only friends. We've already had this conversation. End of discussion!" They were on the phone last night and from overhearing, this guy has booked some nice restaurants for dinner and lunch and has everything laid out. He really cares about her. And since its his birthday one week after, they will celebrate it in San Francisco and now all I think about is him sleeping with him on his birthday if it gets carried away.
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I will say again...you want girl advice? You want to fix it? Or do you want validation that no girlfriend should manipulate you.
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Looking for someone to spend time wit.
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I met with Sophie yesterday,she's a very nice lady very elegant and professional. I suggest her 100%!!! High quality services She is fantastic! Meeting ladies like her is what we all hope when meeting someone we haven't seen before. See you soon Sophie.
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Thanks for reading this far, everybody. I'd appreciate anybody's input.
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She should refuse dates with other guys who may be a better match for her?