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Everything that's going on isn't completly clear to me. But i don't think you should be upset at your bf for looking at porn. Every guy does it. Well, i'd say close to every guy. I'd hate to think my gf broke up with me cause i looked at porn. We watched it together once or twice.
| +1 |
sexy white bra nice tits.
| +1 |
Tell that to the poor guy in the crate in my basement . You know, my "husband.".
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I agree and disagree with this.
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I know. I'm just great like that.
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Now where did I put my bra?
| +1 |
jail ponytail skirt threesome.
| +1 |
yes, (y)(y) indeedy doo.
| +1 |
Usually my messages are relatively short, for I have noticed that girls will usually visit my profile regardless of whether they are long or short.
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NO, we are not in HS. We are actual adults over the age of 25.