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| +1 |
One thing I've noticed through reading LS, is that cheating is less about tupping, than the ego stroke. Ego is moulded by nurture, not nature.
| +1 |
Ready to see what the future hold.
| +1 |
No, I still think he was PO'd, he's probably used to women chasing him, and when she wasn't HIS ego was bruised...so to make himself feel better, he rejects her.
| +1 |
Did you read what the other posters said?
| +1 |
for sure one of the best bodies here. what a tight stomach too. great upload cray.
| +1 |
He keeps starting arguments over the dumbest things!! Dishes, wine, salad, food in general he gets weird about. He tells me all the time I am very selfish with food. Am I really!? I feel like he is crazy for even getting upset about the tiniest little crap!
| +1 |
Hi.im laid bk easy going thoughtfull considarate bloke who knows how to treat a wome.
| +1 |
Spectrum at en-tel Dot ne.
| +1 |
Honesty is key that's why it opens door.
| +1 |
There's a girl that I met a year or so ago, and I don't really see her anymore, but I've grown to like her. I told her she was pretty and she seemed very flattered.
| +1 |
fine, if you believe that you can make it up to your bf in another way why couldn't your ex do that? Would it have been better if you never found out about your ex's cheating and you stayed with him?
| +1 |
I guess settling means different things to everyone, but I think at the end of the day, the basic concept is that you think you can do better.
| +1 |
It has now been revealed he was having an affair with a woman that he works with. it started in 2006 and continued until late 2009.
| +1 |
Stunning body and great zoom.
| +1 |
what about the video section that you talked about a lil while ago? will that be up in the near future?
| +1 |
It did not matter...Perception was reality to people at work..and that was where it stayed for the next year until I got a different job.
| +1 |
I m 24year boy looking for G.
| +1 |
Shes seriously perfect!!!
| +1 |
Love Strawberry blonds.
| +1 |
linoleum floor black shirt db cleavage.
| +1 |
I don't have any advice for OP other than what others have said, but I do wonder why we never have any questions/threads from men with a similar issue?
| +1 |
You can send you spare stocks of AA batteries over here.
| +1 |
Been a firefighter for 8 years, looking for someone honest, intelligent, funny, drive.