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| +1 |
How can you try to call her thunderthighs when you can't even see her thighs?
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Now why is it that when he looks at the teeny boppers he says doesn't want them? But when I look at guys he says I want them and that's what I'm looking for?
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It looks so bleak for you, but that's only because you see it that way. If you reframed it like this:.
| +1 |
I'm also scared of the dark lo.
| +1 |
I used to be 'afraid' of women, too.
| +1 |
Maybe she has a great personality.
| +1 |
From reading the OP’s other posts, it’s obvious that she’s VERY inexperienced when it comes to guys and sex. In an earlier thread she even reveals her ignorance about masturbation and why people do it. And all of her posts reveal an incredible naivety and ignorance, as well as an incredible sense of entitlement and self-centeredness.
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Hi. i am a fun loving and straight forward person.. I need a serious relationship and no time for game.
| +1 |
where we see the relationship going,.
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sideview black bikini with brown stripes in top necklace cleavage sitting on beach with sand ocean in background.
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The meeting in secret would suggest that when she met your brother the attraction to him was much stronger than to you.
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I'd say you both wait until you're at least 21.
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Hi..Honesty is the foundation of a great relationship. I've always tried to be true to myself. I try not to judge people but accept them for who they are. We are all unique. I love to make others.
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If he cares for you deeply enough and feels the same way about you that you do about him he will have that conversation with his BFF and put her in her place which is as a friend..
| +1 |
No we were not intimate. No nothing. He was a perfect host and I got a kiss good bye, that's it.
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Wow wat a chic. Those tits are huge and she does a wonderful tit/penis massage shot all over them. She was happy to do extra ball so I gave her a good tip. Going back want to try her and her friend as a threesome".
| +1 |
Originally Posted by mammamia1.
| +1 |
I waited 3 months with him, but he is shy, probably I would have been ready earlier, maybe 2 months. He also helped me wait that long too We did not discuss it. I initiated it. I invited myself to his house when I was ready.
| +1 |
Hi.looking for that someone special in a new place. willing to relocate for the right person or that person could relocate here with m.
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do you guys think I should ask her out then? I just don't want to ask her out if lukewarm is as hot as its going to get.....you know what I mean?
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isnt gods word much higher than that ?
| +1 |
2) Should I ask what is the reason for her rejecting me?
| +1 |
The guy is a jerk and an idiot.
| +1 |
Kevin...my baddd. Just did it so it could be used as an "educational tool". haha...a tool from a tool.
| +1 |
It doesn't get much better than this little hottie and you guys are worried about the urinal lol.