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| +1 |
Super cute with amazing abs. Pretty hair too. Wow.
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What is the source of your information concerning "everyone's" opinion of his wife's personality? Basically, how do you know what everyone thinks of someone you don't know and have no interaction with? How do you know how she treats everyone else?
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Hot girl in a hot bikini bathing suit!
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When I was younger, I'd hoped that at this time in my life, I'd be "sorted." To reach this stage and be asking, "What shall I do with my life?" is not something that I thought I'd be doing.
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Just a down to earth guy looking for that special someone to enjoy life's adventures wit.
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SCUBA diving sailing boatin.
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All has been said in previous reviews. But this lady has something special. There is such a positive aura about her. Marsha is witty, knowledgable, funny and above all such a genuine person. She is such an engaging woman and her topics of conversation were so varied and interesting. I really enjoyed the time shared with a true gem. Oh and it was not difficult to see how she was a porn star. Magnificent.!!!
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Don't know about 70 lbs but she is nice and tiny!
| +1 |
My relationship history is up and down. I've had one good, positive LTR (well, long for me, about 2.5 years). We just didn't work in the end though. Break up was mutual, we're still friends. I've dated several people short term who were fine but we broke up for one reason or another, nothing major. I had one "relationship" with a guy for about 2 years who didn't ever want to be in a relationship. We were dating, but he would never have called me his gf. We're still friends as well. And then my last bf was one of my very good friends for about 3 years, he pursued me for months, we dated for a month and a half and then he vanished 3.5 months ago without a word. A month later I found out the reason was he went back to his ex-wife. I was really attracted to him and the non-relationship guy, and they are by far not the most attractive men I have ever seen (nothing wrong with them, just wouldn't really catch your eye). Both of these guys turned out to be "inappropriate", but neither started out this way so I don't think it's a subconscious draw to something that's bad for me or unavailable. I don't feel smothered in a relationship and I probably trust too much (as evidenced by my last situation).