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no i have the pic and she-s just showing her tummy- changed the file name and now i don-t have the original to keep the dupes off my comp.
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The time period from when I first met her to when we had our date was a little over two months. Though I did see her in class four days a week.
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This girl has an enormous head haha.
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I had a GF Cheat on me / dump me for a complete dirt-bag & end up marrying him like right away.
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I'm surprised you still haven't understood the reasons of your "dating" failures. That's because you're not even remotely interested in dating or connecting seriously with someone beyond sex. Based on your other threads, what woman in her right mind would respond to someone who tries to manipulate them into dating just so he can have sex? No amount of "romancing" will do that. The few women who met you and gave you a chance, bailed out because they saw, albeit with a delay, what they couldn't see online, that they were getting manipulated. Even the women who DO want casual sex, still don't want to feel manipulated. So unless you're rich and /or supermodel-handsome, your approach will never work.
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I was promiscuous for a few years following a rape when I was 19...it was the third time in my life I had been sexually assaulted. I changed, after years of intensive therapy and eventually, medication therapy with antidepressants.
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That pattern would repeat itself over and over. So would another: How she at times would help start (along with her abusive lovers) the whole crescendo and descrescendo of the abuse -- a little needling here, a cross word there -- until the.
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Would you hit on your doctor or your boss? Probably not. It's simply inappropriate and makes me feel like they have very little respect for me.
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I ULed this same picture!