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after the week was up I asked her what she had thought of - during this week I completely thought about every possible scenario and outcome - good and bad... and it kept me up at night. She said she had decided she wants to be with me - I was elated. -- This was 10 days ago.
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I want experience something ne.
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really laid back guy likes to chill out and relax with friends. Im up for anything fun with fun pp.
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Thanks so much for any thoughts or advice!
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But I would feel uneasy though if they usually checked their phone but then didn't when they saw it was a certain person.
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My favourite exercise is a cross between a crunch and a lunge. It's called lunch ✌.
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Distance myself but I cannot ignore him. We remain colleagues.
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There are so many contradictions in your posts. You don’t want to be labeled her boyfriend, but you want to be introduced to her friends. You’re not social, but want to go parties with her. You don't have any friends, but you want to be introduced to her friends. You think that she should be A-OK with you having a pic of your ex on your desk. You pressure her into running for an hour and don’t understand why she’s not happy and peppy afterwards. You “catch her” calling you her boyfriend (did you call her out?), but you can see yourself being her boyfriend in the future. You can’t understand that basically saying “perk up or get out” is one of the most cruel things you could possibly say to a person especially when you believe that she’s upset because of her brother’s passing.
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You're probably thinking about an association study that came out a couple years ago. The gene they studies encodes for one of the receptors of vasopressin. They found an allele (a mutant of the normal gene) that is associated with reports of reduced feelings of bonding in males to their partner; if you have two copies, they showed men are 2x as likely to have had a major issue in the relationship in the past year compared with "normal" men. Also, women involved with men who have this allele tend to be less satisfied in their relationship. I'm sure if you google "infidelity gene" several articles will show up.
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Originally Posted by bluetuesday.
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I have her number, I have her on social media and I have taken action (somewhat). I asked her if she's has a date to our grad dinner, and she said yeah. So i just said, oh nice. HAHAHA. Now she knows of my intentions (somewhat) and I don't know how to proceed after that.
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I'm really not trying to flame you, and neither am I suggesting that you use this site to make friends. You could, however, use it to gain a little bit more insight about yourself and other people. Or you could visit a counsellor for the same reason.
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I dunno, if I got do you want to have dinner with me some time next week?" from a chick I would think that is a little strange. Like how the hell should I know where I'll be in a week or what I will be doing or if something comes up? Plus I will probably forget, lol.
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Once you show that you're interested in them, they take you out of it.
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I suggest you keep the length of your post closer to that of a shorter short story. Not a novella. I can't bring myself to read all of that. No one is that interesting. Not even me.
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lets face it shes hot but shes not jailbait.