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ggdgg: For the second time you've reuploaded one of your own rejected pics (uploaded just 2 days ago). One more and you'll be blocked. Previous warning here .
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It's hard to say.. but she has changed and there is a reason why she's changed.
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In eight years of OLD, I went on plenty of 'decent' dates. On many of them, I was dying for it to end so I could go home to my dogs. I remained polite and chatty, right up till 'good bye'. Never once did I bolt, cut it short, or sneak out a bathroom window, altho it was done to me.
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BCCA, you screwed up royally. You should have married this girl.
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Outrageously sexy shot!
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That was very inconsiderate and rude. If his explanation is truthful (I have doubts about that), he should have prioritized you. I honestly could not date someone who would do that to me. I expect the person I’m dating to be consistently reliable and considerate.
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blonde blue sweater white tank daisy dukes bedroom.
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I don't think a month is too soon to bring up the exclusivity talk.
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It's all a slippery slope and just silly bargaining anyway. If you're a person in a presumably exclusive relationship and you have some sexual-genital contact with a different person from your committed partner, you've crossed that bridge and it doesn't really matter how far down the path you go at that point or how many times you cross the bridge again.
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I'm clean but I feel like being dirty!
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I walked into a store the other day and there was the hottest guy I've ever seen waiting by the cash register. His gf/wife, came out of the change room- and she was kinda frumpy, a little overweight, and not something to write home about.
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I am looking for some one who likes to have a good time.Likes to enjoy life Freinds first and see where it goes from there.I like to get out and have fun.Like to do most anything.Easy to please.I.
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I go from time to time it's a low pressure way to meet people. I've met a couple that I've then seen outside of meetup. Generally, it's not considered cool to treat it like a dating site. It's more like getting to know people in real life, which is nice.
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Too bad you didn't have this conversation about her sexual past before you made her your gf. I guess you have learned a lesson for future gfs.
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perfect body. perfect bait.
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You act as if uploading pics is some hard task. It isn't. Try it sometime Eye.
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Love those lil panties and that tight, lil body!!!!
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I think storming out of the house and not coming back until the next day is just fine, if you need to. Like I said, I've only done it once, and that was because I wanted to just strangle her. I think leaving and not strangling her was respectful and handling it "in the right way".
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It isn't about it being habitual.
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I casually asked him about it once and he said that I never asked him to. It made me wonder, do some guys just not like going down on a girl or does that mean he's not in to you? I'm not asking about this guy in particular, but in general.
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I responded to it saying me too. Then I didn't hear from it for the whole week & I just sent him a text asking him how he's been doing. I didn't receive any reply & I kinda assumed maybe he changed his mind and no more interested.