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Point is, to me, it almost seems like he was in a basic relationship like any one of us could be in. It doesn't seem like a traditional marriage in which when a divorce happens, people are emotionally scarred and scared about getting back out there, etc. My co-worker mentioned "Oh, that marriage was over long before she left". Who knows?
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And as far as I know, sorry to say, no one is planning on telling him about the incident any time soon.
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wet bait....i see something..do you guys also.
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The photographer is getting much behind in his work.
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It's a bonding process, and a lot of people do this to show affection in a non sexual way.
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So in the past how often did you text or talk a day or during the week? If it's been a couple of days and you usually text/talk several times a day, I would say it's time to contact. You don't want unnecessary weirdness to creep in. Basically what would have been ideal is when you were having that conversation about her independence, you should have ask what that looks like or means to her. And get what frequency of contact fits her. Of course, if you feel like there is no way you could do the frequency she says, speak up. See if a compromise can be reached. Anyway, you can make light of it now when you do contact her. Just make a little joke if that suits your personality, self-deprecating about you weren't quite sure if now was a good time to contact. Gosh i'm wording it awful but if you have sense of humor you should be able to come up with something along those lines. Don't do it if it's not you though. Basically, I'm saying acknowledge the disagreement and show her that you can control your emotions and are not overly serious or affected by her stating her needs.
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Seriously OP? This? Childish.
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Breathtaking! Absolutely breathtaking!
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I have my own life but would welcome a relationship if the chemistry is there; she should have aspirations and be athletically.
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this one is going to take some studying.