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| +1 |
Bored somewhere in the middle of Montan.
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lefty is a hottie dunno whay your talkin bout lol.
| +1 |
I'm sorry you are hurting but I hope this is the impetus for you to make positive changes in your life like getting a sane, kind BF.
| +1 |
She rolled over and took her doggie style which she kept pounding back for more.. I could go on but enough said. I will be seeing her again in the near future. She isn't a clock watcher and really is a treat to be with.
| +1 |
lbd dress tunlikes roundboobs eyes leaning db.
| +1 |
lol. A pic from before the time they started giving a damn about what people said on here. Pretty much 90% flaggable now.
| +1 |
with your tongue pain34?
| +1 |
But the last time this guy had sex was March. so he's past that point, and results today would be indicative of his true status on anything.
| +1 |
Yes - it would be a non-issue for me.
| +1 |
The age thing I wouldn't worry about, it's possible to have a preference for a certain 'type', say brunettes, while still meeting and being perfectly happy with a blonde.
| +1 |
AS a short dude it kinda of annoys me when women ignore that yet will throw a fit if you comment negatively on their kneecaps.
| +1 |
From my experience most penises are normal/average and that's what I like. Plus, considering the fact that the female vagina is around 3-4 inches deep what's going on with a woman who needs something huge?
| +1 |
I never get tired of looking at this hottie.
| +1 |
Jersey and Ruby you speak the truth. Women want a man that will stand up for themselves. If they can't stand up for themselves or to their women, what makes them think they will stand up for their women.
| +1 |
spend some good quality time with. Race and her weight is.
| +1 |
with good thoughts ma.
| +1 |
We can't ...be the cove.
| +1 |
I respect your opinion, greatguy, but it may depend on how strong the girls are and how many "lovers" they have. IMO, your theory has already been disproven as far as chart-toppers.