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| +1 |
jefferson volleyball international tongue bedroom mirror selfpic.
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My boyfriend of 2 years watches porn,yes some people think its fine but I dont and I told him this. And I believe if he truly loves me he would respect me and try not to look/watch porn. What do you think? And do ALL men watch porn?
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I'd love to get a closer look at them jeans!
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After 8 months dumps Daniel and goes back to Ryan the Traveler, they have long distance relations, seeing each other once a 1 or 2 months for a week.
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Holy Moley! What a nice butt :).
| +1 |
Now THIS is worthy of an HP. :).
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im Mahendra im from NY love too meet a nice girl who's funny smart sexy and prett.
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I think it's too much either way. I've preferred the idea of someone around my own age, and have resented being told that I should be dating men within ten years of my age (older than I am), when my eyeing up men in their twenties would have me branded something not very nice.
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I phrased it in a way that said "this is what I've noticed, what are your thoughts?" type of way. He said he hadn't wanted me to feel pressured, so he was letting me do the initiating. I told him I'd like it if he initiated a little more, and he did. 5 years later, happilly married.
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skinnyskinz: Second and final warning about obvious non-jb and terrible quality. Previous warning found here .
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I truly am not even sure why you have posted.
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What a lovely little angel, so beautiful.
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No he hasn't cheated to my knowledge and no ex gfs no, it just made me worry like mad.
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You have two options now: you divorce your husband, or you find a new job. Sorry, you can't be trusted around this male "friend" now.