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I couldn't comment on whether or not men do the exact same thing, probably even worse than women do, because I have only read what I have read and nothing more.
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all three are awesome, perfect size :).
| +1 |
I assumed that OP was a gay male.
| +1 |
I didn't read the whole thread. I read the OP and I think it shouldn't matter how much money she makes. That's not relevant. If it is relevant to you, and you'd feel ok paying if she's destitute, then you'd be treating poor women better than rich ones. That wouldn't be right.
| +1 |
Reminds of Sierra from Alex & Sierra on America's Got Talent.
| +1 |
she didnt :wait: for the crush guy did she?
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Hi.um I don't like taking photos of myself that's why look like that in pic lol blush ah you ask about the Marmite pic well I a lover lol :-.
| +1 |
she is amazing, absolute beauty.
| +1 |
Maybe one day she will wake up to herself and change her life for the better. Until then it is NC.
| +1 |
Hi flying - in answer to your question this is a Different girl and yes unfortunately a pattern with me. You picked up on it! I'm not really sure what to do, I just get to the point where I feel totally unattracted and almost repulsed. I know that sounds bad and hurting anyone is the last thing I want to do... I'm not sure if I should keep looking for a new girl or try to change something within myself. In this specific case, I know I was attracted to her in the beginning. I think I lost attraction because I saw her more often and her more natural element and she was/is very interested in me. It almost makes me want to stop dating all around because I don't want to hurt people... and it makes me feel like crap all the time.
| +1 |
Well honestly, the amount of time men themselves spend telling women how sexual they are, how much they think about sex, how they are going to like other women and fantasy about them, why do men then blame women for feeling insecure and upset when their man openning puts himself in sexual situatiosn with other women? Secondly, if a man really had self control, he wouldn't go to begin with. A man that goes and then turns around preaching about self control is a hypocrit.
| +1 |
I think you're right on target, unfortunately. And this is from a male perspective. I recently met a girl at a wedding that I thought she was something special. For 3 weeks she told me how amazing I was and how she wanted to be with me constantly. Well, then I said goodbye to her on a Monday, not knowing that would be the last time she would talk to me.
| +1 |
"Tomorrow I will only go for 1 hour as early as possible. I really need to work really hard on Sunday. This will continue like this until the end of summer unless I get a lot of work done now. Otherwise I will risk getting kicked out of the program. We should come up with a way to see each other nevertheless . After I submit my proposal, I will have a lot less work. This is the final hurdle.".
| +1 |
amazing.can't wait for next pic.
| +1 |
Wrong. I have no problem with that whatsoever. In fact, I've watched her enjoy multiple men and probably enjoyed it more than she did.
| +1 |
When was the last time a picture had a keep:dump ratio like this one?
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SD, we are all familiar with your list of requirements. I think it would be wise for you to think about dating a woman within a year or 2 (up OR down) of your age who also has been a "late bloomer" and who has limited social and sexual experience; perhaps someone returning to school herself. Someone you can open up with. You're always talking about "equals.".
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just moved back from montana,had a bad breack up,an would like 2 start over with a soul mate if i ca.
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Would you reject a man for a serious relationship, if he'd had one FwB relationship in his past? And now felt ready for a serious relationship?
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Looking for someone who isn't looking for perfection. Someone who can understand that I am a woman, with opinions, and ideas, and am not afraid to voice them. If you want that mindless girl who just.