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Ok, so here we go. i have many "hobbies" that i have turned into jobs. I am a working and touring musician, i have 2 regular segments on an internet radio show, and i have been dabbling in directing.
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Hi.im just a good ole country boy looking for a girl who's a good match for me and also don't mind making new friends so please don't be shy send me a messag.
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sometimes the girls with more clothing on are sexier the look in her eyes says it all.
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what does darla three mean, and are there any other secret tags i should know about?
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Hello my name is Nathan, i'm very shy but i open up quickly. I enjoy hanging out with friends and just having a good time. Anything else you'd like to know just as.
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Even if there is a whole lot of information you are leaving out (each side to every story varies widely, I'm not implying anything personally) this bond they share doesn't appear even marginally normal. From what you have posted he has never been THIS obsessive even with YOU.
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I am a tender hearted of a guy that is looking for a down to earth of a women that loves the out door.
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Originally Posted by EddieN.
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To me, it's not being selfish, I wouldn't have a problem paying sometimes, it's just that I prefer letting the man take the lead. My experience has been that most guys prefer being 'in charge' of the date, and I feel like offering to pay would make them feel a bit inadequate and less 'manly'. And if they ever asked me to pay I wouldn't mind and would probably do it, but I admit it would be a bit of a turn off for me.
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If your guy is inclined to believe a story his co-worker tells him over what his girlfriend tells him, I don't think he's got a fundamental trust of you -- and I don't think that's just because of this incident. I can't even begin to speculate the what's & why's of your situation because your rapport with your boyfriend is the gradual accrual of a year's worth of interactions. If this is something that's been a long time coming -- whether that has to do with his mistrust of you specifically, or something less direct, like him looking for a convenient out of the relationship -- then you're dealing with something bigger and more difficult than this silly lie. If it really is just the lie itself then you should calmly talk to him about it. Own up to undertaking a petty & misguided act of "revenge" and explain what happened. Don't accept blame that's not yours and don't apologize for having been harassed! Maybe this colleague has issues with your boyfriend and you were a convenient way of getting to him. I'm just guessing here. The person you should be having this conversation with is your boyfriend.
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Fave foods- fried chicken,chinese,ice crea.