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| +1 |
mello: Nearly every comment you've made, lately, has been flagged. Previous comment warning; . It's time for you to make a decision about the rules.
| +1 |
black boyshorts upshirt hipbones skinny slim athletic fit abs sweater selfpic smartphone mirrorpic room ballet ballerina poster door longhair blonde dutch waistup lookdown zoom.
| +1 |
Thank you Eeyore for your CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, unlike the ******* who thinks stoning women is alright. (and I'm free of stds thanks) There's much much more to this situation that I don't wanna get into details which have me trying to justify why I'm doing this to #1.
| +1 |
in any language this girl is hot.
| +1 |
Well I have some compelling news for all of my fans.
| +1 |
Small and perfect body!
| +1 |
My friends tell me that I could have any man that I want...Is it my good looks? or my personalit.
| +1 |
Well, lets see, I am a newly single mom of three awsome kids. they come with the package. I am a simple person, I dont want a lot of drama, I like to do alot of out door activities, but I am also a.
| +1 |
Love the slight spread. :).
| +1 |
DAX22: dupe / ABELLB2004: too small /MCFISH1: too old / DAUGHTERSPANTIES: quality / EPICDONKEY: crop or drop , quality / DATA55: too old / JBIRD21: too old / DAMNRIGHT: pro's / THEODUS: pro , dupe / S302MILLS: dupe / SONOFA: too old with artificial text / Laxdefense9791: headless (read the FAQ) , 0outoff6 , nudity (strike one).
| +1 |
Y'know coming from a guy who lives a normal life with a long time girlfriend who is completely of age, it's amazing how you begin to realize how much you appreciate the younger beauties.
| +1 |
Gentleman,easy going,reliable,honest,faithfu.
| +1 |
That's a nice heinie.