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Our apartment has been recently renovated. We are having issues with the furnishing of such. He has poor taste (I know each to his own) and I feel this directly impacts on me. Even with the renovation process, he would go off in a huff like a child if I disagreed with him on something minor. Everything has to be bland and sterile. I am not really out there with taste in design or fashion, I just like timeless, contemporary, livable, in short - not tacky. My issue is that many of his decisions in life seem to be directly influenced by the opinions of his parents, more directly, his mother.
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There's a tiny, tiny smidgen of me that feels perhaps I overreacted last night. Maybe there IS a simple, honest, true reason he didn't return my call or pick up the phone when I called at 9:30 or 11:50 or 1:10am......like maybe he's suddenly developed narcolepsy.....or maybe a spaceship beamed up his brain......or maybe he fell and couldn't get up. Or maybe he feared I'd want to have a 'deep discussion' about something and he just wasn't up for it, given his 'tough all day meeting today' (uh huh).
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Her ex also deleted me from Facebook so there is a small chance that he is pissed off when she chats with her, because I see her more than he does!
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there is just not enough about these girls beauty body great youth great but the sheer beauty is amazing i do not travel a lot on these sights but this sight has some of the most beautiful girls i have ever seen nice job to the maker.
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Met Anny earlier today and had a great time. She's such an attentive girl; superb service and not a clock watcher by any means. Photos are spot on and, to boot, she has a nice friend should you be so inclined. She gave me a great massage afterwards. Highly recommended. Treat her well guys.".
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Same girl in these and .
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Try being 34. I think the only time I can relate to anyone teens/20s is through my online gaming hobby. I have a few friends from it who are in that age bracket. But if it comes to real life, I think I would not know how to talk to them.
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Originally Posted by Reginald3.
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i love braces and ibt girls.
| +1 |
What a wonderful phrase !
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Cookie i dont think its fair to not let people who dont have 15 uploads vote. i uploaded a few and only two made it in, it isnt as easy as you think for everyone to upload pics. also if you have everyone who wants to vote upload at least 15 pics, (cont).
| +1 |
100% agree with that.That would be a nice surprise in the morning.
| +1 |
Nice girl nice shorts nice bikini top and sexy tummy and cute bellybutton.
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And also, my boyfriend works in the trades and has a terrible paying job which he seems to dismiss as "it's good experience" which also irritates me. He could find something much better that would make a situation a little easier to handle. Again, I know he is NOT obligated but I guess I'm just used to all my girlfriends having boyfriend that do them really big favours, whether it be helping them out financially, or whatever. I know he might if he was able to, but he's not even willing to even move in with me. Makes me wonder how much he cares, that's all.
| +1 |
But from the sounds of it, you need to get rid of this jerk regardless.
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I am fairly active in playing sports but not great at many of the.
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I kind of took on the idea that if a man is interested he will make it known. I get told that all the time.
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that body is impossibly unreal.
| +1 |
Rightys body is ridiculous.
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Oh yeah, save the moving in together for marriage. One sure fire way to ruin a relationship is to move in together, at least that has been my experience. Both partners need their own space and privacy and when you live togehter that doesn't exist. You're trying to live like you're married when you're really just single.
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If there is any stigma about older male virgins, it should be that they are likely to unleash some very delicious and crazy things ... and hopefully they have the maturity (or in my case, eagerness) to accept gentle guidance into honing their techniques. I think the learning and beholding and appreciation of the woman's body at that point just comes naturally though.
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Exactly. One Night Stands are not gender specific. As much as we guys tend to think it is. lol.
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Recently single, are you over your ex(s)? Just make sure you are before.